The Exhibitor Console is your secure, self-service portal that allows you to completely control your presence at the show. Use the tools provided to build a dynamic profile that will drive 4x more views than your typical online exhibitor profile, manage booth information, pay invoices, and access registration or your GSC website seamlessly from the console.
Would you like to drive more traffic to your booth or generate more leads? The Exhibitor Console is your window to a successful event.
* = May Require Extra Modules
Manage basic company information that appears on your online booth profile so attendees know to visit you on the show floor.
Enhance your visibility to attendees and drive traffic to your booth by building a dynamic profile that includes products, show specials, press releases, and more.
Upload featured product images with a description to create a fuller profile.
Include videos to showcase your company and products.
Add newsworthy information about your company, products and your presence at the show.
Announce show specials you plan to offer at this show to drive attraction.
Increase your presence at the show through sponsorship opportunities.
Print Account Statements, see when the next payment is due or make a payment online.
See who is looking at your booth profile and create your favorite list. Filter by demographics, request appointments and reach out to your favorites via email.
Manage Attendee Match Criteria, Demographic and Connect preferences.
View a complete list of your sent messages.
View your calendar of appoinitments, see what's pending, accept/decline, new requests to meet at the show.
Advertise your presence at the show on your own website and generate leads for your booth.
Collect important information from your exhibtors to help facilitate the event, including insurance forms, booth move-change requests, exhibitor surveys, etc.
Do you have any outside contractors working in your booth? Be sure to let us know who they are.
Manage booth staff and badges.
Sign in to your GSC to manage your booth set-up.
Plan ahead and make sure you meet all requirements.
Secure hotel, view travel tips and review policies.