
Sheraton Hotel
303 Cordova St, Pasadena
1 block (0.1 miles)

$219/single or double per night plus tax
Reservations (3 night minimum)
: Click here

Hilton Pasadena
168 S Los Robles Ave, Pasadena, CA
2 blocks (0.2 miles)
$224/single or double per night plus tax
Reservations: Click here
Or you can call the Hilton Pasadena directly at (626) 577-1000 and provide Group Code CAP3

Westin Pasadena
191 N Los Robles Ave, Pasadena, CA
6.5 blocks (0.5 miles)

$219/single or double per night plus tax
Click here
Be sure to check that the dates in the reservation window are set correctly before clicking "check availability"
Or you may call Westin Central Reservations at (866) 837-4181 and be sure to mention you are with the CAPPO conference

 ATTENTION EXHIBITORS - AVOID SCAMS: The only approved vendors by CAPPO are Curtins Expo Services, Westin Pasadena, Pasadena Convention Center, Encore AV & Edlen Electrical. Additionally, our hotel partners will not contact you directly to make a reservation, you must make your own hotel reservations by using the link above or calling their reservation line. Any other vendors contacting you to book rooms or sell attendee lists are fraud. We will not directly contact you to book your room or sell you an attendee list!



Hollywood Burbank Airport (formerly Bob Hope Airport) is a public regional airport in Burbank, California that serves Pasadena, Burbank, Glendale, and northern parts of the Greater Los Angeles Area. Located 15 miles from Pasadena.

Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) LAX is an international airport serving the Los Angeles and Southern California region. It is owned and operated by Los Angeles World Airports, a department of the City of Los Angeles. Located 29 miles from Pasadena.

  • LAX Flyaway buses offer convenient and affordable airport transfers between LAX and Union Station with no stops in between, it runs 24-hours a day, seven days a week. Visitors traveling to Pasadena can take the LAX Flyaway Union Station, and connect to the Metro Gold Line to Pasadena. Travel time can vary between 35 minutes and an hour, depending on traffic. Tickets can be purchased online or at the ticket booth at berth #9 at Union Station. Travelers arriving at LAX who need to purchase a ticket can board and pay upon arrival at Union Station, simply head to the ticket booth at drop off.