A simpler way to book hotels for groups

Search, shop and book rooms and meeting space with ease. We’re on a mission to make group travel better for all.


A simpler way to book hotels for groups

Search, shop and book rooms and meeting space with ease. We’re on a mission to make group travel better for all.

instant booking or RFP for hotels

Instant group booking has arrived

For smaller, simpler events, book your rooms and meeting space instantly at over 25,000 hotels worldwide. Got a larger group or more complex arrangements? We’ve simplified the RFP process and created a faster way to book — cutting the average RFP-to- contract time by more than 50%. Lightning does strike twice!

Solutions for Organizers>

Solutions for Hoteliers>

instant booking or RFP for hotels

Instant group booking has arrived

For smaller, simpler events, book your rooms and meeting space instantly at over 25,000 hotels worldwide. Got a larger group or more complex arrangements? We’ve simplified the RFP process and created a faster way to book — cutting the average RFP-to- contract time by more than 50%. Lightning does strike twice!

Solutions for Organizers>

Solutions for Hoteliers>

Group travel organizers, meet your match

With GroupSync, your search results are matched to your needs, not paid placements. It’s a more efficient and better experience for all. Flexible on the location? GroupSync’s AI can suggest other options – all based on your search criteria. You’re in complete control, so you can fine-tune your preferences for the perfect city and hotel fit.

GroupSync will score each location for fit and advise on feature matches.

  • Matching Hotels
  • Room Rate
  • Weather
  • Incentives
  • Airport Nearby
  • Direct Flights
  • Amenities
  • Instant Booking

Group travel organizers, meet your match

With GroupSync, your search results are matched to your needs, not paid placements. It’s a more efficient and better experience for all. Flexible on the location? GroupSync’s AI can suggest other options – all based on your search criteria. You’re in complete control, so you can fine-tune your preferences for the perfect city and hotel fit.

GroupSync will score each location for fit and advise on feature matches.

  • Matching Hotels
  • Room Rate
  • Weather
  • Incentives
  • Airport Nearby
  • Direct Flights
  • Amenities
  • Instant Booking

Collaboration makes a faster, smoother booking process

Better communication, easier feedback collection, faster decisions. With GroupSync, your entire workflow is managed within a single online app for better organization and time management — easy peasy!


Collaboration makes a faster, smoother booking process

Better communication, easier feedback collection, faster decisions. With GroupSync, your entire workflow is managed within a single online app for better organization and time management — easy peasy!

Room block management with real-time data

GroupSync Housing gives you an easier way to manage your room block – with anytime, anywhere access to your data. No more spreadsheets, no more wondering who’s booked or not. We’ll help you say goodbye to attrition fee surprises.

GroupSync Housing for Organizers >

GroupSync Housing for Travel Partners >


Room block management with real-time data

GroupSync Housing gives you an easier way to manage your room block – with anytime, anywhere access to your data. No more spreadsheets, no more wondering who’s booked or not. We’ll help you say goodbye to attrition fee surprises.

GroupSync Housing for Organizers >

GroupSync Housing for Travel Partners >


Access over 10 million rooms in over 225 countries around the world

Unlock the world for your group, meeting or event. Our destination cities and hotels are growing fast, as is our real-time market data. We’re changing the way group travel is planned and managed, with GroupSync Marketplace leading the way – come along for the ride!

GroupSync Marketplace for Organizers >

GroupSync Marketplace for Travel Partners >


Access over 10 million rooms in over 225 countries around the world

Unlock the world for your group, meeting or event. Our destination cities and hotels are growing fast, as is our real-time market data. We’re changing the way group travel is planned and managed, with GroupSync Marketplace leading the way – come along for the ride!

GroupSync Marketplace for Organizers >

GroupSync Marketplace for Travel Partners >