It's not a film. It's who we are.

olam food ingredients is now known as ofi. Focused on the raw materials and ingredient platforms that we're known for globally - cocoacoffeedairynuts, and spices. We still offer everything we did before. What’s new is that we’re adding capabilities - especially in product development - working closely with our customers, sharing our fresh ideas to inspire new concepts. Making it real at every step, from plant to palate.

It's not a new idea.
It's a chance for infinite possibilities.

It’s easy to make something taste amazing. It’s much harder to fill it with nutritional benefits too. And what about making sure it’s ethically sourced and right for the planet? Whatever category you’re serving, let’s supersede the benchmark with our portfolio of highly complementary natural and delicious ingredients. Co-creation is easy!


Your next cookie filling, cake topping, pie crust, biscuit crumb or bread mix starts with our playground of ingredients. Let’s get busy combining tastes, textures and colors that not only delight consumers, but also the people and planet around them. Give sweet treats a natural twist by combining our cocoa powder and nut pastes to create indulgent center-filled cookies with a premium texture. 


From cold brewed spiced coffee to golden milk made with dairy powder or nuts to suit modern consumer preferences. Even the most basic ingredient can make a real difference. With us, you can customize and co-create from plant to palate to find taste, texture and nutritional profiles that make your hot, cold, or plant-based beverages unique.

Chocolate & Confectionery

The world loves cocoa, in chocolate, confectionery, ice cream, bars and desserts. The need to make these better for our bodies and planet has never been greater. We’re bringing lots of fresh thinking to the table – like reducing sugar and sodium in recipes with clever cocoa creations and vegan, organic and traceable solutions. How about creating delicious vegan ‘milk’ chocolate bars with our gluten-free and grain-free cashew flour?

Dairy & Desserts

Emerging flavor trends in milks, yogurts and ice-creams are a real opportunity to create healthy, tasty, formulations that consumers can indulge in. Why not try new twists on familiar pairings, such as chocolate doughnut and coffee flavored ice cream? In cocoa alone, our R&D specialists can help tackle challenges in both dairy and plant-based desserts: from a unique methodology to pair cocoa powders with pea, nut, or oat bases to address taste, to reducing bitterness of FMP formats with our Fresco Cacao.

Savory & Culinary

It’s great when you can respond to trends. It’s even better when you spark them yourself. Together, we can create sauces, nut-based cheeses, and spice blends that fulfil existing desires or even feed new ones. How about putting a new spin on traditional dishes with trend-led ingredients like our choco mole sauce inspired by the Oaxaca region of Mexico? Using authentic spices and premium cocoa, this sauce is rich in antioxidants with a deep color and enticing aroma that will delight the senses.  


Join our search for the next trail mix, cereal, or snack bar hit. Together, we can find new ingredient combinations that fulfil consumer desire for taste, texture, nutrition, and traceability. One idea? Take consumers on a journey through the world’s most vibrant cuisines with seasoned nut recipes drawing on our Blends of the Americas spice range, including Blanched Almonds with Spicy Citrus Coast and Candied Cashews with Warm Sedona Sunset.  

ofi is already part of your everyday life…

1 in 5 chocolate bars consumed globally use our cocoa beans and products

The coffee beans we supply annually can provide around 90 billion cups of coffee

Our annual volume of dairy products can make 19 billion slices of cheese

Almonds we supply will produce enough flour to bake 350 million cupcakes per year

We add taste and flavor around the world with 270 million bottles of spices per year

Read ofi news

Press Release Jun 5, 2024
ofi achieves industry first with Rainforest Alliance certification for almonds in US
  • Landmark achievement gives food brands and consumers additional assurances in the responsible sourcing of ofi’s California almonds.


ofi (olam food ingredients), a global leader in naturally good food and beverage ingredients, has earned America’s first Rainforest Alliance certification for its California orchards, underscoring the company’s extensive sourcing and sustainability capabilities.


As one of the world’s largest almond growers with orchards in California and Australia, ofi’s certification is good news for makers and consumers of almond-based food and drink products, from cereal bars and trail mixes to milk alternatives and flours. It not only demonstrates responsible almond sourcing practices to customers but also highlights ofi's dedication to its ambitious ‘Almond Trail' sustainability product strategy.


ofi’s approach to producing high-quality, flavorful almonds with a lower carbon footprint is driven by its pioneering partnerships with the Almond Board of California and the California Water Action Collaborative, as well as universities and labs. The collaboration focuses on incorporating high levels of mechanization and the latest agronomy practices to improve water-use efficiency, ensure best-practice pollinator management techniques, and increase orchard carbon capture activities.


“We're happy that ofi joined hands with us to certify their almond ranches in California. It's great to see their commitment to improving practices within the almond industry, from managing pests and chemicals responsibly to enhancing soil and supporting biodiversity. This move broadens the choices for sustainability-conscious consumers, who can now enjoy Rainforest Alliance certified almonds, hazelnuts, and cashews.” - Michelle Deugd, Director Forest and Agriculture, Rainforest Alliance


Damien Houlahan, Head of Almonds at ofi: “Our approach to responsible almond farming and supply chain transparency is ambitious, but it goes hand in hand with delivering high-quality products to our customers - and their consumers. This certification reflects our relentless pursuit of making every almond count toward a more sustainable and equitable future. It’s a testament to the hard work and dedication of everyone involved with ofi, from our orchard teams to our operations teams, who have committed to upholding the rigorous standards set by the Rainforest Alliance.”


As ofi continues its sustainability efforts under its 'Almond Trail' strategy, customers and partners can look forward to the first impact report detailing its 2023 progress, set to be published later this year.


Discover much more about what ofi has to offer at

Articles May 29, 2024
Fighting malaria in Nigeria

Malaria is sadly a daily risk for cocoa-growing communities in Nigeria with the country contributing to 27% of malaria deaths globally[1].   Without treatment, the disease can be fatal with symptoms ranging from fever, muscular pains, vomiting and diarrhoea, anaemia, convulsions and coma. Cocoa farmers in Nigeria find themselves more susceptible to malaria due to its high prevalence in rural and agricultural areas.


This challenging picture in Nigeria is set against a yet more complex situation globally due to the enduring impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which posed a disruption to the provision of malaria prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, driving increased cases. In 2022, malaria cases globally reached 249 million, far above the number of cases the World Health Organisation estimated for the year, before the COVID-19 pandemic, and representing a five million increase on 2021 cases[2].


The U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative is the U.S. government’s largest program in the fight against malaria and has been actively working across the African continent since 2006. Led by the United States Agency for International Development and co-implemented with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, PMI works with government, private sector, multilateral, and civil society partners to save millions of lives from the infectious disease. 


PMI partnered with ofi for the first time in 2023, along with the Cross River State Government, to widen the distribution of insecticide-treated nets (ITNs).

Press Release Apr 30, 2024
ofi cocoa shares how transparency and traceability are driving sustainability impact for food & beverage sector 

ofi (olam food ingredients), a global leader in naturally good food and beverage ingredients, says developments in data and technology – from granular deforestation mapping and child labor monitoring to AI-powered carbon measurement tools – are accelerating progress towards its Cocoa Compass sustainability ambition. It is also providing food and beverage companies with enhanced traceability and transparency ahead of new regulations in Europe and beyond.


The latest Cocoa Compass highlights based on 2022 data include:

  • New analysis showing over 30,168 farmers in ofi’s cocoa supply chain are earning a living income[1], putting the business on track to reach its 2030 target of 150,000 cocoa farmers earning a living income.
  • A 395% increase in the number of children receiving education support in 2022, compared to the 2018 baseline.
  • A 15% increase in the number of households covered by ofi’s Child Labor Monitoring and Remediation System (CLMRS).
  • 6 million trees distributed by ofi, working with its customers and partners, for agroforestry and income diversification, from 2018 to 2022.
  • 79% of farms in ofi’s sustainability programs have been polygon mapped[2]


United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Indonesia Mission Director, Jeff Cohen, said: "We are proud to be working together with ofi and the Hershey Company to encourage cocoa farmers to adopt more sustainable agriculture practices—like diversifying their crops and allowing more trees to remain on their land—which will strengthen their resilience against climate shocks and improve their livelihoods[3].”

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