Toronto,  ON 
  • Booth: 1819

Welcome to the CanWater Booth!

Come taste the Canadian Rockies-Premium naturally alkaline spring water in an on-trend slim aluminum can. 

We have a global plastic problem. Let's do our part to help reduce/eliminate single serve plastic beverages. A few facts: Aluminum cans are infinitely recyclable*More effecient transportation as they pack tighter*Cans stay colder longer*Aluminum cans can result in less ocean waste!

Many regions are legislating the elimination and reduction of single-serve plastic beverages.  Be prepared for the trends!

Consumers are preferring water over soda*Consumer are interested in packaging made from recycled materials*A majority of consumers are concerned about our planet*Many believe that naturally alkaline water is superior for their health*Many consumers are willing to pay more for these type of products which is great for the retailer*We have a very strong aluminum Supply Chain

We are a proud partner of the UN Global Compact

Brands: CanWater Naturally Alkaline Spring Water