Select Criteria: Session Type = Pre-Conference

Saturday, October 14, 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM

  • Room: Potomac 1-3
  • Session Number: 901
H3IT is an annual conference for all stakeholders interested in innovative approaches to home healthcare, hospice, and information technology. Building upon the success of the first eight years, the conference provides an authoritative forum where evidence-based findings, information, and tools are communicated to achieve reduced costs, better care, and better outcomes. H3IT's interdisciplinary and applied elements make the conference highly relevant to home health providers, IT vendors, and government agencies. For more information, please visit  There is a separate registration fee for this pre-conference.
Günes Koru
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences
  • Pre-Conference

Sunday, October 15, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Room: National Harbor 2-3
  • Session Number: 902
Back by popular demand!  An amazing group of speakers who will break down critical aspects of Medicare Advantage (MA), including its impact on agencies like yours. MA is flooding our industry with change. There has not been a more significant financial change in home health in decades. This pre-conference addresses a diverse group of stakeholders who now must consider and understand MA from multiple angles. There is something here for everyone.  Home care providers are struggling with the impacts of the shift in the Medicare-eligible population to MA Plans. Forward-looking providers are asking essential questions, such as:  What are the implications of current demographic trends?  What operational and financial issues should providers expect as their payer mix shifts to mainly Managed Care? Will providers have a future where MA Plans also offer home-based services and products? In this Medicare Advantage pre-conference, we will hear provider & consultant perspectives addressing these questions and more.Read More
Beau Sorensen
VisionBound International
Brent Korte MHA
Frontpoint Healthcare
Lindsay Doak MBA
Director of Research and Education
Michael Puskarich MBA
Director - Advisory Consulting
  • Pre-Conference

Sunday, October 15, 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Room: National Harbor 10-11
  • Session Number: 903
Critical to your success as an industry leader is your ability to communicate with employees, patients, families, and the public. Storytelling is a powerful, underutilized communication tool. The sharing of first-person stories builds a bridge, enabling people to connect, understand change, and develop a shared perspective.  This workshop addresses: What are the different types of stories?  Why do first-person stories have the most impact? How do I determine the best story or stories for my audience?  What are the steps to building a compelling story? How do I connect my message to my purpose? What tools can help me become more comfortable with storytelling? Becoming an effective storyteller will help you realize your potential as a leader in your professional and personal life and bring out the best in the people around you. This 90-minute pre-conference will help you move from talking and telling to persuading and advocating. Kemetia Foley is a gifted storyteller and teacher. You can learn more about her work at her website, Read More
Kemetia Foley
Coffee and Courage
  • Pre-Conference