Who We Are

Created by educators
for educators

WEA Member Benefits is the only financial organization that was created for the benefit of public school employees and their families.

Learn about us

What We Do

Grounded in
service excellence

We provide personal insurance and retirement savings programs designed to enhance the financial well-being of public school employees and their families.

Contact us

Why We Do It

We believe
in public education

Education is at the core of why we exist and all that we do. We’ve been helping Wisconsin public school employees and their families build financial security since 1972.

Visit our learning center
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Latest Posts

Understanding stable value investing

Understand the stable value investment and the role the Guaranteed Stable Investment plays in your long-term retirement savings journey. read more >
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Severe weather WATCH vs WARNING

Wisconsin weather is often unpredictable. Knowing the difference between a severe weather watch and warning may save your life. read more >
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Facts about Roth IRA contribution eligibility

Interested in investing in a Roth IRA? Here are some facts you need to know. read more >
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Moving money concerns

Member Benefits takes your concerns seriously and would like to address the most common ones we hear from you. read more >
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Educator to Educator

Your Stories

“I highly recommend taking advantage of the financial planning services. I gained a better understanding of what my money is doing and the benefit of my investment. There were a lot of aha moments. It’s important to hit the ground running.”

This individual’s experience is their own and is not a guarantee of future results for all clients. No compensation was provided for this opinion. Individual is a current client of WEA Financial Advisors, Inc. at the time of this statement.
Emily Piehl Portillo | Verona Area School District

Educator to Educator

Your story

“I am so happy to have a company like WEA Member Benefits—great products, great service, very professional. Their mission says it all to me. Its fun for me to not only be a member but to encourage my colleagues to become members.”

This individual’s experience is their own and is not a guarantee of future results for all clients. No compensation was provided for this opinion. Individual is a current client of WEA Financial Advisors, Inc. at the time of this statement.
Patrick Kubeny | Rhinelander High School

Educator to Educator

Your story

“It’s never too early to start saving for your future. You can start with as little as $20. Don’t wait.”

This individual’s experience is their own and is not a guarantee of future results for all clients. No compensation was provided for this opinion. Individual is a current client of WEA Financial Advisors, Inc. at the time of this statement.
Ann Swenty | Tomahawk Elementary