With the pandemic shutting down live exhibitions for almost two years, chances are your exhibiting program may be a little rusty and could use a tune-up. Now is the perfect time for exhibitors to re-evaluate, re-imagine and improve their exhibiting strategies with improving productivity as a top priority.

In this strategic exhibitor educational session, 30+ year expo veteran and leading exhibiting productivity expert, Jefferson Davis of Competitive Edge, will introduce you to the Trade Show Marketing Process. This proven-effective process will help you assess your current/previous level of satisfaction and execution and identify specific areas to focus on as you prepare for your re-entry into live expositions.

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Topics include:

•     The unique improvement opportunity the pandemic offered all exhibitors

•     Two important outcomes senior management wants your exhibit program to deliver

•     How to cost-justify your investment and plan for exhibiting value and ROI

•     Overview of the Exhibit Marketing Process™

•     Quick exercise to determine how your exhibit program was performing prior to the pandemic and which of the eight areas you need to address to improve productivity and ROI

•     Quick takeaways for key areas of the strategic process areas

•     How to best utilize the valuable content on the ACS Exhibitor Success & ROI Center over the coming months

•     Q&A with the ACS team and Jefferson 

Session includes an electronic participant workbook.