Join the Pioneer of Whole Food, Plant-Based Nutrition

“Everyone in the field of nutrition science stands on the shoulders of Dr. Campbell, who is one of the giants in the field.”—Dean Ornish, MD

Earn Your Plant-Based Certificate
T. Colin Campbell, PhD

T. Colin Campbell has revolutionized how we think of nutrition for decades. Now—for the health of our bodies and the world’s communities, for the restoration of ecological balance—it’s time we put that knowledge into practice.

T. Colin Campbell, PhD working in a lab

Over 350 research publications, most of which are peer-reviewed

An endowed chair at Cornell University, and the lead scientist on The China Study

“The Grand Prix of epidemiology.”—New York Times

Program Overview

  • 23,000+ students
  • 100% online, learn at your own pace
  • No prerequisites
  • Continuing education credits
  • Interaction, engagement, and nonjudgmental support
  • Delicious WFPB oil-free recipes
  • Practical strategies that have worked for our community members... and can work for you
  • Weekly live Zoom interactions with other members of the community
  • Whole Food, Plant-Based Wellness Challenges
  • The guidance of our highly engaged, knowledgeable, and warm-hearted community hosts

    Join our free online community to:

  • Attend monthly workshops led by our inspiring grant recipients
  • Learn from successful community groups around the world
  • Network with advocates for regenerative food systems
  • Obtain resource guides and other actionable tools
  • Learn how you can become part of the solution

Doctors for Nutrition (DFN) Launches Online Plant-Based Nutrition Course for Healthcare Professionals

Doctors For Nutrition (DFN) is an Australasian-based independent charity. Through evidence-based education and outreach, we aim to prevent unnecessary suffering for patients, increase career satisfaction for practitioners, and reduce unsustainable healthcare costs. Evidence shows that a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) eating pattern can prevent, reverse, or significantly reduce the disability caused by the current chronic … Continued

Social Issues

Peruvian Plant-Based Festival Brings Better Nutrition to Community Families

As the first Peruvian project funded by the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies (CNS), Ruwasunchis felt honored and responsible for providing an excellent program. And that’s what we did. In our community of San Pablo Mirador, located in Manchay, on the outskirts of Lima, our plant-based program has been revolutionary. Thanks to the … Continued

Social Issues

WFPB Nutrition Fuels Faster and Stronger Half-Marathon

Meet Dr. Laurie. I started working with her around six months ago. She was 53 years young and had already adopted a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) lifestyle, but she was struggling to shift her body composition. Her goal was to lose body fat while building quality lean muscle. Being a doctor, she understood the importance … Continued

Success Stories

Toxic Superfoods is Toxic Misinformation

When I see a patient with a kidney stone, I typically ask for their dietary history. Sometimes the patient only offers a non-committal response that they eat a balanced diet. But we have a saying in nephrology: “The urine does not lie.” A particularly memorable urine sample from a petite teenage boy with a painful … Continued

Nutrition Science

Lifestyle Modifications to Help You Navigate Menopause

Menopause is a natural transition and not something to be afraid of. It can be a source of stress and discomfort, but with the correct menopause diet and healthy lifestyle, you can navigate it with ease.

Nutrition Science

Plant-Based Diets Radically Reduce Food Waste

Food waste is a global concern. If we could tackle food waste reduction, might the profligacy inherent to our food production systems be less consequential?

Food Sustainability

You Are What You Eat: What Does the 2023 Stanford Twins Nutrition Study Really Show?

A four-part documentary series about the twin study, You Are What You Eat: A Twin Experiment, debuted on Netflix. It has drummed up quite a lot of attention. The results certainly support the adoption of a plant-based diet, but there is still something lacking in the message they are sharing.

Nutrition Science

New to an Oil-Free Diet? Here’s What You Need to Know

The amount of information published about oil can be overwhelming. Is it good for you? Is it bad for you? Is going oil free really even possible? We set the record straight with research fresh from the experts.

In The Kitchen

The Case for a Cold Turkey Approach to Animal Foods: A Selection From T. Colin Campbell’s Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition

This short excerpt from Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition addresses a common question: Is it necessary to be 100 percent adherent to a whole food, plant-based (WFPB) diet 100 percent of the time?

Nutrition Science