Gun Curious

A Liberal Professor’s Surprising Journey Inside America’s Gun Culture

• “Takes us on a personal and sociological journey inside American gun culture. It’s a fascinating, informative, and entertaining story about a liberal professor’s growing involvement in an entirely different social world and the valuable lessons learned along the way. With refreshing honesty, Yamane effectively counters many long-standing criticisms of gun ownership. His observations are balanced, original, and drawn from years of scholarship and first-hand experiences with guns and gun culture. Nothing partisan here, Yamane is a voice of reason in our highly polarized times.”—Mark R. Joslyn, political scientist and author of The Gun Gap: The Influence of Gun Ownership on Political Behavior and Attitudes

• “Offers readers the rare perspective of an accomplished sociologist who became an avid gun owner and a gun culture scholar in his forties. Skeptical Americans wonder whether owners can be trusted to live with their guns. Yamane’s case for responsible gun ownership and for building a culture of responsibility bridges societal divides.”—Per Anderson, professor emeritus of religion, Concordia College

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