Take Control of Your Health

Achieve your best health, with our dedicated team of experts behind you every step of the way.


Health Experts to Guide You.

LWell’s team of Registered Dietitian Nutritionists, Medical Providers, and Certified Health Coaches are passionate about helping you reach your optimal health, weight and longevity.
Wherever you are on your wellness journey, you’ve come to the right place. With LWell you will achieve measurable results: less pain, less discomfort, less medicine, and improved quality of life.
ndividual nutrition coaching

LWell’s Suite of Clinical Services


Medical Nutrition Therapy

Receive one-on-one sessions with a dedicated Registered Dietitian Nutritionist to help you achieve your health goals.

Plate of healthy food

Diabetes Eating & Wellness

Improve your health with our proven Diabetes Eating & Wellness Program — we call it D.E.W. for short.

Medical Nutrition Therapy

Functional Medicine

Are you suffering from a stubborn health problem that won’t go away no matter what you try? Functional medicine dives deep into the root causes of health imbalances.

nutrition myth

MedRedux Weight Loss Clinic

It’s time to succeed in your weight loss goals. If other weight loss programs have failed to deliver, LWell’s MedRedux Weight Loss Clinic is your solution.

Health Programs by LWell

LWell Coaching

Health Immersion Program

LWell’s Health Immersion Program (HIP) is a suite of clinically supervised programs for complicated weight loss and mindset re-booting.

Menopause Prep

Menopause Prep

Calm the Chaos of menopause with the tools and techniques you need to manage your symptoms and come out empowered.

Real Results

“The diabetes programs at LWell worked better than my medications.  My A1C is 2% lower, I dropped 20lbs and my doctor took me off two of my prescriptions.  Sign up!”

— Bill Alexander

Real Results

“Caroline, and all of her team, really care about the people and their total wellness. Caroline went way above and beyond any time I needed help. The focus was on total health, and ALL that is encompassed. It sounds cliché to say that she changed my life, but it is true. I will be forever grateful to Caroline and LWell.”

— Pamela Perry

Real Results

As I transitioned from runner to bodybuilder, I knew that my workouts and diet would change drastically and I needed to make sure I was healthy from the start. Kate asked questions about my habits and preferences, she made recommendations for foods, times to eat, macros, and supplements to help achieve my goals. Her nutrition guides and meal plans were easy to follow. I put my trust in Kate and did exactly what she said to do.  The results speak for themselves. I gained muscle while losing fat.  I was energized. I felt like I had support throughout the entire experience. My first competition was a huge success (one first place and two-second place) and I could not have done it without the guidance and support of Kate. I highly recommend her for any nutritional needs you have.

— Candance

Real Results

Caroline, you taught me great things in regards to my nutrition and now my sugars are well under control. My doctor is really happy.

You also helped me to figure out how to work with my IBS and I am doing really well with that too.

Anyone who decides to come to you will find a caring and positive approach.

— Beth Jackson

Real Results

I liked being able to exercise, to walk, and participate in things other people could do. Since a fall in 2005, those things were no longer possible for me. I had come to accept that this is was my life and at some point, I would probably be in a wheel chair. I had lost myself to pain and was unable to do anything about it.

Then I met Caroline. Her mantra of ‘no judgment’ really hit home with me. The pounds began to come off and I knew I was on the right path to find myself again. It made me soar to be able to move, bend and even eventually keep up with the other people in my life. My confidence began to come back! I was smiling again, even laughing. I have lost 42 pounds, I believe 5-6 inches, and I can buy clothes that I like again.

My doctor has taken me off both of my blood pressure medications. He tells me I have never looked healthier, since he has known me. On a regular basis people who knew me before my fall tell me I look like my happy self again. I have even been told I look younger. Caroline was the beginning of this change.

 — Diann Richter

Real Results

I have been a part of “diet culture” for several years of my life. I think the first time I went on a diet was age 11. To say my relationship with food was unhealthy would be an understatement.

In the short time that I have been working with LWell, my outlook has completely changed. At our very first meeting, Rosemary told me that I had all of the pieces and we just needed to figure out how to put them together. She could not have been more correct!

Cultivating a positive and peaceful relationship with food is exactly what I needed to do.

I have never felt more satisfied AND seen the scale go down consistently week after week. I have lost about 5% of my body weight, dropped from pre-diabetic to normal glucose levels, and I feel so good. Working with a dietitian has given me the confidence and ability to make healthy choices while removing the guilt that I associated with food. I am so incredibly thankful that for LWell and Rosemary – they have been an absolute blessing and I feel confident in my choices going forward to create a long, healthy future. Thank you so so so much for all of your enthusiasm and encouragement! You have been a blessing and I cannot express to you how much I appreciate you helping me to cultivate a healthy relationship with food.

— Brittany Wood

Get on Track

Call to schedule a consultation with an LWell provider.

(833) 516-0454

1309 Jamestown Road, Suite 102
Williamsburg, VA 23185

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