Hire Globally and Manage Effortlessly

Your All-in-One Global Payroll Solution

Manage and pay your international teams anywhere in the world. Scale your business globally, and offer your international talent built-in financial services.

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multi-country payroll software
multi-country payroll software
multi-country payroll software
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Trusted by top companies
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multi-country payroll software

Expand your team with our payroll solution

Get advice from our team of global payroll experts and discover tailored solutions to your company's unique needs.

Seal the deal
with new talent

We simplify the process, allowing you to quickly extend offers and sign contracts with your new hires.

Onboarding process in a few clicks

Our user-friendly platform streamlines the onboarding process, ensuring your new talent feels at home from day one.
multi-country payroll software

Payroll solution for your international team

Set up payments effortlessly, using your preferred method, ensuring accurate and timely compensation for your global team.
multi-country payroll software

Stay compliant
and hire legally

Compliance is crucial when operating on a global scale. Ontop's integrated services help you stay compliant with local taxes and regulations, keeping your business on the right side of the law.

Go Global Today with Ontop's multi-country payroll software for remote workers


multi-country payroll software
Global Hiring Made Easy
Operate legally across 150+ countries.
multi-country payroll software
Swift Global Contractors
Draft and finalize smart contracts in under 5 minutes.
multi-country payroll software
Seamless Global Compliance
We handle all necessary legal documentation to ensure you’re always compliant.
multi-country payroll software
Instant Worldwide Payments
One-click solution to pay your entire team, eliminating multiple transactions.
multi-country payroll software
Empower Your Team Financially
Equip your team with our dollar-backed wallet and get digital Visa card for real-time spending.


multi-country payroll software
Say goodbye to time-consuming paperwork, taxes, compliance, and local payroll. We take care of it all for you.
multi-country payroll software
We take care of your team by providing state-of-the-art local employee benefits.
multi-country payroll software
Save thousands of dollars with the support of our local HR, legal, and compliance experts.

Go Global Without the Hassle: See How Ontop Simplifies Payroll

Our trusted partners

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Trusted by the world's fastest-growing companies

"Ontop speeds up how we pay our team, cutting down the time we used to spend making invoices. This gives us more time to make our Marketplace better."

Amir Reiter,
CEO, Cloudtask

Trusted by the world's fastest-growing companies

"Ontop helps me focus on acquiring and retaining our talent at Rappi, instead of spending my time doing paperwork and compliance."

Felipe Villamarin,
Co-founder, Rappi

Trusted by the world's fastest-growing companies

"Payments go through like magic and my contractors are happy because they get all of their money, commission free."

Alejandra Buelvas,
Head of Legal, Ayenda

Benefits for Your Remote Workers with Ontop

Access our Built-in financial services backed by industry giants
multi-country payroll software

Secure Wallet

Collaborating with J.P. Morgan, we offer your workers access to a secure wallet where they can hold their funds.

Global Money Transfers

Enable your team to transfer money globally effortlessly. They can use a variety of methods, including banks, Wise, Payoneer, Coinbase, Binance, and the Ontop Card, with instant payouts to their debit and credit cards.

No Limits on Funds

There's no limit on the amount your remote workers can hold at any given time, giving them ultimate flexibility. Funds can be held in the wallet indefinitely, ensuring your team's financial resources are always at their fingertips.
multi-country payroll software

Mobile Financial Management

Your workers can manage their finances right from their phones, whether they're using iOS or Android devices.
multi-country payroll software

Ontop Pay

For Android users, Ontop Pay offers the convenience of Near Field Communication (NFC, Android Only) payments, making transactions even more straightforward.

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