A Lineman School With
Small Class Sizes,
Character Development,
and A 95% Hire Rate.

ELITE Lineman Training


How long is this lineman school? Not long. The 11 weeks are plenty of time to have you prepared for your career.


Small class sizes. This allows you to get more time with instructors. You won't get lost in the crowd.

If you're going to get hired in the utility industry or ever make lineman, then you'll need a commercial driver's license.

Hire Rate95%

You'll attend a trade school where students graduate and go to work.

Steps To Enroll

Step 1

lineman school georgia

Fill out application, pay $150 nonrefundable application fee, and submit.

Step 2

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An opportunity for you to get to know more about line work and the training, and for us to get to know you.

Step 3

lineman schools

Turn in $1500 deposit to secure your spot, and then the rest of your money and paperwork by the class deadline.

Want More Than A Website?
Come Visit The School!

Real World Benefits
Of Choosing ELITE
As Your Trade School

Supporters Of Elite