Thinking of window upgrades?

It’s time to upgrade to high-performance, custom-made windows and slash your energy bills down to size! Well-designed windows & doors play many important roles, improving your home’s curb appeal, increasing natural light, and boosting energy efficiency. Book a free consultation with the Window Geeks today!

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Why Centra

Products for your home

The first step on this journey is determining what style suits your home best – and searching for inspiration is always a great first step. Everything else will follow, especially if you have the right team on your side. We understand what you expect for your home. You want secure windows and doors that look great and offer curb appeal. They should be smooth and easy to operate, virtually maintenance-free, energy-efficient with thermally advanced performance, and stand the test of time.

We Work with the Pros

We work with the best engineers in the area of exterior restoration and building envelope remediation work. We have installed high-performance, energy-efficient windows and doors in over 400 full-unit condo complexes and installed products for thousands more individual condo homeowners. We’re the only experts in our space that handle the full spectrum of single-family and multi-family install expertise in-house. We told you we were obsessed!


Builders & Contractors

Centra Windows has had the pleasure of working with some fantastic builders and developers in our time. Together, we have delivered developments of outstanding quality, efficiency, and performance. Partnering with trusted, reliable specialists is the best way to streamline and improve your process and identify areas to save costs. Given our wealth of experience, we can be those experts for you, as we have been for so many.

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Architects & Engineers

Since starting our company almost four decades ago, Centra Windows has worked with many great architects and engineers. We understand that no matter what project you’re working on, it’s imperative to get the design stage right for the rest of the process to run smoothly. For a long time, professionals have been relying on our expertise and experience to make this happen.

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Property Management

Upgrading multi-family complexes can be a tall order. Having worked on 400+ over nearly four decades, Centra knows how much effort and coordination it takes. You can even streamline your project by using us as a general contractor. If you’re expecting to oversee renovations, building upgrades, or remediation work, it’s important to find the right company with the appropriate experience. That’s where Centra comes in.

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We can talk windows all day long…

Whether it’s over a coffee, conference call, or even a dinner date, our Geeks never fail to bring up windows! We’re eager to share the latest technological innovations to help maximize your comfort and energy savings and help you make the most of your investment, and we’re constantly monitoring and testing our windows to ensure our product provides the best value. Dive into the world wide web of windows with our informative blog!

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Centra Cares

Our registered charity Centra Cares supports communities both locally and globally. Over the last 5 years, the Centra Cares foundation has given our people lots of incredible opportunities to give back. To date, we’ve raised over $1,750,000 for more than 250 charities!

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Are you a homeowner or professional?

Connect with our team of Window Geeks to discuss your home improvement needs or upcoming project. We look forward to hearing from you.