Our Business Is Your People

Your Partner in Building a Workplace of Connection, Learning, & Growth

Kunik is your force multiplier. The solution for People teams looking to ignite learning, belonging and growth. We help you elevate employee experience and drive retention & performance.

75 NPS, 7x engagement, and rising 'Great Place to Work' rankings. Leading organizations partner with Kunik

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Simplifying Choices, Amplifying Impact

Streamlined Solutions for Lean HR Teams. Kunik Powers Employee Engagement, Retention, and Development.


We collaborate with your team to understand your challenges and craft programs that champion your initiatives—from leadership and ERGs to DEI and wellness - and brings them to life


Our programs move beyond content consumption to content connection. We focus on the most sought-after areas of development - manager training, high performance teams, belonging. Our delivery is modern, short, live and engaging. Sessions are led by leading practitioners that resonate deeply with today’s workforce.


Our approach yields results: 90% of employees find Kunik Conversations highly engaging and actionable. Our team’s dedication to understanding your unique challenges and goals sets us apart.

Real Impact, Real Results: Hear From Our Clients

“Kunik is a great solution because they’re flexible. They came into our organization and molded their offerings in a way that speaks to our unique people, culture, systems, and quirks.”

Hannah Lincecum
Senior HR Manager at Reed Smith 

“I feel like Kunik really understands Associa’s needs. We had so many conversations with them in which they always really listened to us. They’ve brought personalized solutions to the table since then that have been game-changers.”

Chelle O’Keefe
Executive VP and CHRO at Associa

“Any company in any industry could absolutely leverage the expertise and freshness that Kunik brings to the table. I consider them a member of our team.”

Nicole Hughey
SVP of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion at SiriusXM

HR Innovator's Choice for Catalyzing Transformation

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"The best virtual social interaction I've ever had." Our average NPS:


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The Kunik Advantage


Ditch the stale video courses. Kunik’s live, short sessions go beyond traditional learning to keep employees engaged in discussion driven experiences led by expert practitioners.


With more than 450 experts, we tap into our network of industry leaders and subject matter experts - from CEOs and organizational psychologists to military veterans - delivering programs authentic to your organization


We collaborate as partners, not providers, tailoring our approach to your unique culture and championing your most crucial initiatives


Kunik integrates seamlessly with your existing systems. No new tech or downloading apps. We rapidly create the direct impact you can see and feel across your organization.

What The Media Is Saying About Kunik

Elevate Your Employee Experience

Ignite connection, learning and growth across your organization. Contact us to experience the difference.

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4 lessons learned from layoff survivors. Click here to download the lesson!