Pay competitively—and responsibly.

Use real-time data and streamlined compensation planning workflows to effectively manage your company's biggest expense.

Trusted by industry leaders with a modern approach to compensation

Behind the benchmarks

The numbers powering Pave's real-time data


Participating companies


employee records


in total comp managed


executive comp records

Connected, real-time data

Get set-up in minutes, not months. Connect your HRIS directly to Pave. Eliminate disparate systems and spreadsheets to get a full view of your company's total compensation.

Sign up free

Your company's biggest expense—optimized

Real-time salary and equity data from 7,500+ company HRIS integrations, so you can benchmark ahead of the market.

Actionable data fast; no more waiting months for survey data. One hour, one integration, guided by the world-class Pave team, is all it takes.

Granular, robust, and accurate comp data across job families, equity practices, geos, , especially equity compensation data.

Flexible, precise end-to-end platform maps to every unique and specific compensation strategy.

Comp leaders say it best

With Pave, we can offer transparency for managers in terms of how they should reward employees and also how they can responsibly allocate their budget. It’s a huge benefit to have managers aligned and bought into the comp philosophy and how it’s executed so they can have better conversations with their employees.
Amelia Skagias
Manager, Compensation
Cockroach Labs
Prior to Pave, we did not have established compensation bands. Pave was efficient and effective in helping us to identify the correct benchmarks to use to build our compensation bands. The Pave team was incredibly helpful and knowledgeable throughout the process, which saved us a ton of time and set us up perfectly for our future merit cycle
Staci Sabel
Sr. HR Business Partner
The Compensation Bands product allows us to empower our managers with data to be able to speak confidently to their direct reports and make fair compensation decisions.
Julie Menge
People Operations & Analytics Lead
With Pave, rather than wasting time managing spreadsheets, we can focus on more critical aspects of the business, like making data-driven decisions when it comes to our employee’s compensation.
David Buckmaster
Senior Director, Total Rewards
Wild Life Studios
Pave has been an amazing compensation tool for our portfolio. Integrating via API has dramatically lowered the upfront effort to get started, eliminated the need to manually upload their data year over year, and given them a truly real-time view of compensation benchmarks.
Atli Thorkelsson
VP of Talent Network
Our goal at Tessian is to ensure that all of our salaries are fair and competitive which is why we use Pave for our benchmarking. Not only is their platform easy to use but we can be confident that the benchmarking data that we’re pulling is second to none.
InĂŞs Van Deuren
People Operations Manager at Tessian
We run a really robust compensation process. Pave’s compensation planner makes it 10x easier and simpler to communicate employee compensation to our leadership team.
Marisa Fezza
Director of People
For venture-backed startups where equity is a meaningful part of the compensation plan, I think Pave is going to be best practice to visualize what equity could be worth.
Brian Whorley
Pave's Compensation Planner is an essential part of Miro's HR systems. It's an absolute game changer for running merit cycles.
Nicholas Oliveri
Global Compensation
Pave's comp benchmarking tool is superb. Any start-up or scale-up that wants to use the most comprehensive dataset to make compensation decisions should be using Pave.
Emma Phillips
Investment Partner at LocalGlobe
We didn’t have to retrain our team to talk about equity in a certain way, the tool just reflected the dialogue we already wanted to have with candidates and employees.
Brit Malinauskas
VP of People and Workplace
Our portfolio companies love Pave’s benchmarking product - beyond the fact that it’s free for them to use. It’s been exciting to see the data improve as more of our companies join, enabling better compensation and hiring decisions for our portfolio. The Pave team has been great to work with!
Ben Schachtel
Director of Talent Research & Operations
Real-time, global compensation data is crucial for any company that's trying to stay competitive. Pave is simply the best compensation benchmarking tool for any venture-backed tech company.
Dominic Jacquesson
VP of Insights & Talent at Index Ventures
Index Ventures
Once we implemented Pave, we gained a ton of trust and a ton of credibility with our leadership team. And we just came out looking like rock stars.
Dave Andrukat
HR Operations Manager
Pave has demystified compensation for startups of our size. The product lets us quickly see where we rank among other companies and helps us structure competitive compensation packages. They’ve been a huge help in getting our offers accepted by candidates.
Archie Japaridze
Chief Of Staff at Flux
Pave's benchmarking gives us the confidence to accurately plan, budget and track our growth more accurately. We know we are able to make competitive offers to candidates and pay our team fairly as the market continuously shifts. As the data is connected through our HRIS API, it means we don't have to spend hours filling out manual comp surveys every 6 months to continue getting our access.
Tom Denny
Head of People at Codat
In order to hire the best talent in today's market, we need real time compensation benchmarks. Pave compensation data is just that: not only does it provide verified cash and equity compensation benchmarks, but it's free. Our leadership and people teams have insight into compensation benchmarks like never before.
Sultan Murad Saidov
Co-Founder and President at Beamery
Real-time compensation benchmarking data is the most valuable asset in hiring and retaining top talent. Pave's platform gives Bessemer portfolio companies a huge advantage by enabling secure and instant access to data.
Miia Laukkarinen
Vice President of Talent
Bessemer Venture Partners

Insights from Pave

3 Key Metrics to Measure and Report the Success of Your Merit Cycle

The Top 3 Considerations You Need to Effectively Manage Equity Burn Rate

State of Equity Compensation

Advance your compensation strategy today

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