Dean's Evergreens, Inc.

United States

Welcome to the Dean’s Evergreens Nursery booth for MANTS 2021! We are a family owned business that includes both a container operation and ball and burlap. Usually you would be speaking to either Brian or Bridget at our booth or you may have come across George in past years. Our container operation includes plants from the size of 1C to 25C. These plants include perennials, roses, grasses, shrubs, deciduous trees, and more. Our ball and burlap operation includes shrubs, evergreens, deciduous trees, fruit bearing trees and more. These have a large range in sizing depending on the variety. We do have the capability of digging larger trees up to a 4” caliber, or evergreen trees 15’+, but we mostly specialize in sizing smaller than these. If you are looking for a specific variety, size, or quantity please reach out to us and we’ll happily be able to provide you with a quote. If you have any questions send us an email to or call us at +1(856)881-3496.

Thank you for participating in MANTS 2024!