R & J Farms, Inc.

United States

R&J Farms, Inc. is a wholesale grower of shade and ornamental trees.  We are a family owned and operated farm on 186 acres in north central Ohio (Wayne county).  Our clay/loam soil provides excellent tree development.  B&B trees range in size from 1 1/2" to 4" in caliper.  We also produce #15 and #25 container trees grown in Pot & Pot for year around harvest.  Container trees range from 1 1/2" to 2 1/2" in caliper.  Every tree in the nursery is drip irrigated to produce a more fibrous root system.  Our goal is to produce the best trees for sale at the best possible prices.  Along with this we strive to provide the best service so that each of our customers will receive the most value for his dollars spent.

For more information, current availability or a picture library of trees we grow, go to https://www.rjfarms.com or call 419 846-3179 with any questions. The password for our AVAILABILITY LIST is quality.

Below are a few varieties of trees we grow.  There is a list of all the trees we are growing on the ABOUT page at https://www.rjfarms.com.


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