Caofen Electric Motorcycles

Costa Mesa,  CA 
United States
  • Booth: 7085

The Caofen F80 e-Motorcycle delivers a unique, thrilling, riding experience. With its powerful electric motor, silky smooth acceleration, and responsive handling, riders can enjoy serious dirt biking, daily commuting, or just plain fun cruising along back country roads. The F80’s "Patented Battery Technology" ensures safe, long-lasting battery life, with riders going the distance. F80’s sleek modern design not only attracts attention, but also provides an aerodynamic style, further enhancing the riding experience. Come join Team Caofen and Embrace the Thrill ~


  • Caofen F80 Off-Road
    When you're in the market for an electric dirt bike, you want the real deal—the authentic dirt biking experience that combines power, performance, and precision....

  • Caofen F80 Street Sport
    With its exhilarating top speed of 52 mph, the F80 surges ahead of the competition, leaving the standard 45 mph eMoto’s in the dust....