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All for professional hair extensions

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Hair extensions training 

Beauty-for-you for over 10 years has been providing training and courses aimed at professionally preparing participants to perform hair extension treatments and to conduct training in this area - both for individuals, salons and hairdressing schools.

We hold certificates of stylist-instructors in the field of hair extending and thickening. We cooperate with professionals in the field of training, our qualified staff provides the highest quality of knowledge and skills. We are practitioners and in addition to theoretical knowledge we teach practical aspects of the industry and hair extension and thickening treatments.

We work with equipment and materials of the highest quality. What is more, as one of the few we offer learning almost all methods available on the market. The training is conducted in the form of lectures and exercises and lasts from 1 to 5 days - everything depends on the preferences of a participant. During the practical part we use the same high quality hair on which we work with our clients.


Call and get more information

We are hair extension experts!
(48) 509 636 080

Hair extensions tutorials and other videos