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Exam Room

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Comprehensive dry eye assessment; evaluating all tear film layers, meibomian glands, and identifies specific types of DED.

OS1000 Topographer

Corneal topographer and dry eye assessment


Slit Lamp Anterior Segment Imaging Attachment

Tono-Vera Tonometer

Rebound tonometer with advanced positioning, auto measurement, and blue tooth connected

What Our Clients Have To Say

We are an ever growing practice of 12 locations with a high level of equipment purchasing and repair needs. EOSR has proven themselves to be a valuable asset to our practice and always provides exemplary service and support to our demanding needs. Their willingness to adapt themselves to our requisites and their continual ability to provide timely service is what keeps us coming back, year after year.

Steve Lusk, CRA
EOSR has proven themselves to be a valuable asset to our practice

I have been a customer of Eastern Ophthalmic for the past 31 years. I have purchased most of my equipment for my practice from them. In this day few companies want to provide service after you purchase your equipment. Eastern Ophthalmic is an exception to the rule. They have consistently gone over and beyond what I expected on many occasions. It is very comforting to know that you can receive such quality service and advice. Thank you to Jerry, William and all the rest of your staff. It is truly a blessing to have Eastern Ophthalmic to serve our needs.

Dr. Cham McMillan
EOSR has consistently gone over and beyond expectations

Purchasing new equipment from EOSR has always been smooth and efficient.  Additionally, they go above and beyond with service and repair.  I have and will continue to be a loyal customer!  Dealing with everyone there is like dealing with FAMILY.  I have never called them when they did not do everything in their power to help this office.

Athens Eye Clinic
A pleasure doing business w/ EOSR

The combination of Volk digital lenses and the new Marco LED slit-lamps provided the most realistic view of the fundus I’ve ever seen.

Dr. Jeremy Anderson
Volks lenses and Marco Slit Lamps

EOSR has always been a top-notch company to do business with. When I opened my office Jerry helped me with all of my initial equipment needs. As my office grew both Jerry and William where able to help me meet my expansion needs. I have found that they deliver quality service on a continual basis whether it be new equipment purchases or repair and maintenance of existing equipment. They are always fast to answer questions and very willing to do what is best and easiest for me and my practice. I appreciate the time they take to initially understand my needs and the follow thru in meeting my needs in a very efficient way. I have recommended them to my professional friends and I would recommend EOSR to anyone who has any kind of equipment need.

Rachael C. Click, OD
Preferred EyeCare Center