2G Enterprises 412
AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships 908
ABB Measurement and Analytics 506 Upgraded
Academic Sinica 956
ACS Publications 526
Adams Enviromental Engineering Group 556
Advanced Geosciences Inc 748
Aeris Technologies, Inc. 623
Aerodyne Research, Inc. 913
AGU H3S 746
Agua Del Sol Consultants 203
AIP Publishing 550
Airphoton, LLC 845
Alabama Water Institute 663
American Physical Society 248
Apogee Instruments 809
Applied Research Laboratories - UT Austin 660
Argonne National Laboratory 144
Arizona State University - School of Earth & Space Exploration 713
arXiv 848
ASC Scientific 408
Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS) 309
Associated Universities Inc (AUI) 1100
Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) user facility 338
Barnett Technical Services 251
Battelle 811
Baylor University 757
beadedstream 310
Because Science 218
Beta Analytic Inc 511
Black In Marine Science (BIMS) 1010
Blue Ridge Scientific Materials 215
Boston University Earth & Environment 862
Brunton 450
Cambridge University Press 425
Campbell Scientific 631
Carbon Mapper 324
Carl Zeiss Microscopy, LLC 612
Cognitive Surplus 910
College of Earth Ocean and Environment - University of Delaware 766
Colorado School of Mines 767
Colorado State University - Department of Geosciences 860
Columbia Climate School 423
Continental Scientific Drilling Facility 1122
Copernicus Publications 447
CUAHSI - Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. 740
Cubert GmbH 424
Decentlab 513
Digital Science 130
DMT 948
DRI 751
Dynamic Gravity Systems 1047
EAGE - European Association of Geoscientists and Engineers 946
Earth Observatory of Singapore (EOS) Nanyang Technological University 455
Earthquake Research Institute, The University of Tokyo 307
EarthScope Consortium 839
Elecs Industry 122
Electronics and Telecommunication Research Institute 354
Elemental Scientific, Inc. 419
Elementar Americas Inc 1051
Elemtex Ltd 410
Elsevier, Inc. 1042
Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL) User Facility 239
Eosense Inc. 311
Esri 739
ESRPC (National Central University) 951
European Association of Geochemistry 446
European Geosciences Union (EGU) 449
Finapp 348
Frontiers 448
Gasmet Technologies, Inc 510
GEM Systems Inc 847
GeoCamp Iceland 1006
Geochemical Society 444
Geometrics 945
George Mason University 661
George Washington University 664
Geospace Technologies 943
GMW Associates 313
Google 501
Guideline Geo Americas Inc. 744
Guralp Systems, Ltd. 641
Headwall Photonics 544 Upgraded
HealthyPhoton Technology Co., Ltd. 323
Hohai University 859
Hoskin Scientific 649
HySpex, Norsk Elektro Optikk AS 1045
IEDA, Astromat & the Internet of Samples 1023
IEEE - GRSS(Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society) 524
IKON Mining & Exploration 401
Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences 647
International Met Systems 941
International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG) 347
International Union of Geological Sciences 249
IOP Publishing 904
Iris Instruments 944
Isomass Scientific Inc. 515
Isotopx Inc. 440
ISTI - Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc. 525
JAMSTEC - Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology 1128
Japan Geoscience Union 409
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Washington Office 304
Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory 923
KBR 1118
Kinemetrics, Inc. 331
King Saud University 305
Kongsberg Discovery 1040 Upgraded
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory 145
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 140
Li-Cor 705
Los Alamos National Lab 341
Louisiana State University 755
Lowell Instruments 442
Lynker 646
MathWorks 314
MDPI 648
Meteoritical Society 554
METER Group, Inc. 613
Micro-g Lacoste Scintrex 947
MIRO Analytical AG 426
Nanjing University 861
Nanometrics 531
NASA / National Aeronautics & Space Administration 719
National Central University Center for Advanced Model Research Development and Application 950
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) 349
National Museum of Natural History 315
National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP) 651
National Science Foundation 1101
National Solar Observatory 1104
Natural Hazards Engineering Research Infrastructure 1001
New Solutions 1012
Nikira Labs 308
NOAA - National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration 539
NORBIT US, Ltd 225
NSF SEES – Synchrotron Earth and Environmental Science 146
Nu Instruments Ltd. 909
NV5 Geospatial Solutions 1130
Oak Ridge National Laboratory 244
Ocean Networks Canada 1039
Ocean Observatories Initiative 1110
Oklahoma State University - Boone Pickens School of Geology 856
Onset - HOBO Data Loggers 300
OPeNDAP 1008
OpenTopography 1108
ORAU / Oak Ridge Associated Universities 350
Oregon State University 125
OTT Hydromet 150
Oxford University Press 1011
Pacific Northwest Laboratory PNNL 344
Phoenix Geophysics 849
Picarro, Inc. 519
Planet 1007
Planetary Data System-International Planetary Data Alliance 1019
Polar Field Services 1102
Polar Geospatial Center, University of Minnesota 1112
Polar Science Alliance 1119
PP Systems 522
Prairie Research Institute 759
Princeton University Press 306
Purdue University, Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences 666
Qubit Systems Inc. 351
R.M. Young Company 404 Upgraded
R.T. Clark Companies Inc. 954
Reftek Systems Inc. 518
Rice University 762
Rocket Lab 318
Roy M. Huffington Department of Earth Sciences at Southern Methodist University 763
Sandia National Lab 245
Sanlien Technology Corp. 807
SciAps, Inc. 422
Science Education Resource Center (SERC) 1015
Science Partner Journals 650
SciGlob Instruments and Services LLC 1003
Scripps Institution of Oceanography - UCSD 747
Sea-Bird Scientific 224
Seismic Source Company - SSC 1057
Seismological Society of America 750
SENSIT Technologies 124
Septentrio 610
Sequoia Scientific, Inc. 222
Sercon Limited 132 Upgraded
SETI Institute 325
SGX3 213
Silicon Audio 445
Sintela 1055
Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory 850
Society of Exploration Geophysicists 205
South Dakota Mines, Department of Geology 659
Space Dynamics Laboratory 1025
Space Resource Technologies 312
Space Science Institute 1014
Space Sciences Lab, UC Berkeley 867
Spectra Vista Corporation 547
Spectral Evolution 421
Spire Global Inc 411
Springer Nature 907
STARtorialist 567
StraboSpot 645
Stryde Limited 555
Subsurface Insights 1044
Taiwan Earthquake Research Center 949
TEMcompany 201
Texas A&M University - College of Arts and Sciences 865
The Geological Society of America 413
The University of Arizona Department of Hydrology and Atmospheric Sciences 662
Thermo Fisher Scientific 512
Toolik Field Station 1114
U.S. Department of Energy Biological and Environmental Research Program 139
U.S. Geological Survey 912
U.S. Science Support Program, IODP 1126
UAE Research Program For Rain Enhancement Science 439
UIC Science 1106
UNDO 1144
Union of Concerned Scientists 749
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research | National Center for Atmospheric Research 605
University of Alaska Fairbanks Research Institutes 931
University of Houston 857
University of Illinois School of Earth, Society, & Environment (SESE) 760
University of Kentucky 863
University of Miami- Rosenstiel School of Marine, Atmospheric & Earth Science 855
University of Michigan 866
University of Minnesota, Earth and Environmental Sciences 1150
University of Missouri 761
University of New Hampshire, Center for Coastal and Ocean Mapping 654
University of Oklahoma School of Geosciences 658
University of Pittsburgh 864
University of Rhode Island - Graduate School of Oceanography 549
University of Texas at Austin - Jackson School of Geosciences 854
University of Wyoming 758
US Census Bureau 219
US Global Change Research Program 911
USDA-ARS Adaptive Cropping Systems Laboratory / University of Nebraska – Lincoln 255
USMax 966
US-RSE (US Research Software Engineer Association) 1049
Vanderbilt University 858
Wet Dog Weather 546
Wiley 805
Wink Vibracore Drill Company Ltd 846
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 126
Xylem 1029
Yale University, Dept. of Earth and Planetary Sciences 764
zzzTest 101