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Rockin' K
Featured Collection
Hi, I'm Katie

Thank you so much for taking an interest in my business, Rockin’ K Co. Jewelry! My name is Katie and I’m a college student from Texas. My love for western fashion started in high  school, when I showed cattle! Every piece of jewelry I put on before entering the ring felt like a suit of armor. My confidence would increase only if I was wearing my turquoise and navajo pearls. After high school, I started creating my own jewelry and it gave me the confidence to take on life outside of the show ring, I hope it does the same for you too!! Each and every piece of jewelry is handmade by me! Every piece of jewelry is created with love and I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for choosing Rockin’ K Co. Each purchase supports this little shop owner and her dreams. 

- Katie 


Tips for keeping your hand stamped jewelry looking brand new- 

Do not wear your jewelry when in contact with water or while sweating, this will keep the black ink used to darken the impression in your jewelry looking good as new.  For example, take your jewelry off when doing activities such as washing your hands, taking a shower, or going to the gym. If the black ink does wear out while wearing your jewelry you can fix your hand-stamped jewelry at home by using black ink such as a sharpie. Simply trace the sharpie over the impressions then wait for the ink to completely dry. Lastly wipe excess ink away with a paper towel and rubbing alcohol (nail polish remover works too). Aluminum jewelry should be handled with care while putting on and taking off your jewelry. Aluminum is a fragile metal that allows you to slightly bend it to the shape and size you desire. Jewelry should be handled with care to prevent breakage. We are not responsible for any damage due to mistreatment of your jewelry.




All sales are final. If there is an issue with your order, I will be happy to fix it for you! Please contact customer support within 7 days of the arrival of your order if there are any problems.

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