The Creation Zone

AI-driven coaching videos

Self-paced training

Collaboration with experts

How It Works

1. Recording

Record a video to create your personalized AI avatar, or choose a VFA coach.

2. Creation

Complete the form with your needs, then submit your content or request its creation.

3. Distribution

Share the videos, helping coaches and players improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Benefits for Your Organization


Faster video creation


Lead generation




Productivity increase

Performance gains found within users using AI digital avatars.

Expand Production or Start New

Session Plans
Make every session plan stimulating with engaging, personalized avatars.

Coach Development Videos
Enhance learning with interactive, attention-grabbing sessions.

Onboarding Videos
Streamline new volunteer integration with customized, welcoming content.

Program Introductions
Broaden audience engagement with multilingual, nuanced introductions.

Digital avatars also enhance customer service, FAQs, personal messages, follow-ups, announcements, product demos, event summaries, market updates, tutorial guides and more.

Clear Competitive Advantage

Traditional video production no longer meets the demands of global communication.

It's time for a shift.

Our digital avatar technology revolutionizes content creation. It offers unmatched efficiency, cost savings, and scalability.

Global Reach with a Local Touch

  • 40+ languages

  • Authentic Voice Generation

  • Automated Subtitles

Embrace the power of communication without borders. Our digital avatars break down language barriers. They make your message resonate worldwide.

They Used Digital Avatars

Job Mwanza
Co-Founder, Coach and Executive Director at Rural Sports Foundation Zambia

Using the latest AI technology ensures I have more time to focus on coaching.

Carlos Moreno
Director of the UCAM Murcia C.F. Youth Academy

Luis Oubiña
Product Editor at LaLiga Tech

“Digital avatars allow for scaling programs. No one has ever seen this before.”

Are you interested in collaborating? Fill out the form below, and we will get in touch shortly!

Let’s work together.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A digital avatar is your virtual double. Based on a video of you, our AI crafts it to show your unique personality on screens. It’s how we make every interaction authentic.

  • It starts with you sending us a video to teach our AI the essence of you. Or, choose one of our coach’s AI avatars. After picking the avatar, we make the videos. If needed, we translate them into other languages before we share them.

  • No worries if you don’t have content ready. The Virtual Futbol Academy team are experts. We can make great content for you. This content will resonate with your audience.

  • Projects can last a few days for demo videos. They can also last for monthly and yearly contracts. Our AI-driven efficiency reduces resource consumption over time. Please fill out the form with your needs; we'll guide you.

  • We price based on the time, energy, and resources needed to create the videos. The price varies depending on the project. Once we know your needs, we give you a price.

  • It will give you a competitive edge and position you as an innovative leader. Enjoy a global reach across 40+ languages. You will also save significant time, energy, and money. It’s all about connecting better and faster with your audience anywhere.

  • Yes! To get started on your custom demo, please fill out the form. We'll arrange a meeting to discuss your needs. We will show you more examples to ensure your satisfaction.

  • Once the AI has trained on your voice, it can copy your intonation in over 40 languages. It keeps a realistic sound in each new language. This lets your content connect globally. It keeps your voice authentic.