Virtual Futbol Academy

Wilmington,  DE 
United States
  • Booth: 676

"Mens sana in corpore (A healthy mind in a healthy body)." As far back as ancient Greco-Roman times, educators recognized the importance of combining physical and mental exercises to create holistic well-being. Today's modern era of social media and electronic devices has taken a toll on the well-being of children and youths worldwide. But rather than try to reject technology, we must embrace it. The Virtual Futbol Academy seeks to bring harmony to the well-being of coaches and players worldwide by blending physical and virtual sports. Using commercially available technology and our proprietary curriculum, our programs connect coaches and players worldwide to skilled coaches and sports professionals to build a supportive and safe community, engage them in physical activity, and encourage the joy of learning through their minds and bodies. We accomplish this by building on two popular elements that kids love and that we can channel as a medium for education: video games and sports.