Sun Chemical

Cincinnati,  OH 
United States
  • Booth: 2931

 Show Specials

  • (Feb 01, 2024)
    Beet Red is widely utilized in a lot of applications due to its unique characteristics.

 Press Releases

  • (Feb 01, 2024)
    In the food industry, beta-carotene is often used to color a wide range of commodities, such as pet foods, baked goods, cereals, and snacks.


  • SUN CHEMICAL - Spirulina
    At Sun Chemical, we offer Spirulina that is sustainably cultivated and manufactured at Earthrise farm in California. ...

  • SUNFOODS For Pet Food
    Inspired by nature. SUNCHEMICAL offers innovative natural pet food colorants with unbeatable purity and stability. ...

  • SUNFOODS Natural White
    The SUNFOODS® natural white line of products offer a range of specialty formulations designed to meet the stability and shade requirements in specific applications.

  • SUNFOODS Chlorophyll
    In the EU, chlorophyll is commonly used in a lot of applications, including pet foods. ...

  • SUNFOODS Natural Caramel
    Natural caramel is commonly used in food applications such as beverages, baked goods, confectionery, sauces, and dairy foods to provide a golden to dark brown color.

  • SUNFOODS Carbon Black
    While vegetable carbon is not permitted as a food colorant in the United States, it is commonly found in baked goods, confections, and as a substitute for black caviar....

    Spirulina extract - LINABLUE, can provide vivid blue color for lots of applications. Contact us for more information. ...

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