Welcome to Starmark Pet Products

As world leader in pet education for over two decades, our award-winning training and behavior tools are developed by experts and performance tested by thousands of dogs at the Starmark Animal Behavior Center. As the facilitator of world-class education and training programs for dogs and professional dog trainers, we understand how dogs think, play, and learn—this hands-on knowledge makes our products unique. Our goal is simple: keeping pets happy in their homes by improving relationships with their owners.

Featured Training Tip

It's natural for dogs to form attachments to human members of the household, but when does that attachment become destructive? Separation anxiety is a condition in which the dog displays excessive anxiety when apart from the people to whom he is attached. With patience, separation anxiety can be prevented, managed, and even eradicated.

What People Are Saying

I gave my dog the Everlasting Fire Plug and he went wild with excitement. He kept busy gnawing at it for most of the evening and when I looked at it it didn't even look like he ate any of it. This really is an exceptional product and has kept Paddington entertained. I will definitely push the Everlasting Treat products. Thank you so very much.

–Marilyn – Fire Plug