HB2 | Student Loan Benefits: What to Know About the Rising Benefit

  • Room: Oceanside E
  • Session Number: HB2
Thursday, May 04, 2023: 10:45 AM - 11:30 AM


Kristen Carlisle
General Manager
Betterment at Work


As financial challenges abound due to rising inflation and other factors, many workers are looking for help from their employers. And there’s one massive problem in particular many employees are struggling with: an outstanding $1.76 trillion in U.S. student debt. This session will dive into what HR and benefits leaders need to know about student debt repayment programs — how they work, how they can help and how they can become a key differentiator among top employers. You’ll learn why student loan management solutions could follow in the footsteps of 401(k)s to become the hot financial workplace benefit in a competitive benefits package and be mutually beneficial for employers and employees. Employers that can enable employees to manage student loan debt with advice and contributions will not only improve their employees’ financial health, but also position themselves competitively in the increasingly nuanced talent market.

Learning Objectives

1.) Learn why some borrowers feel unprepared to resume student loan repayments.
2.) Understand what type of support, and solutions, employees are looking for from their employers.
3.) Understand the value student loan management programs have for talent acquisition and retention, backed by employee data and insights.