Hirschthal,  AG 
  • Booth: 8650

The PFIFFNER Group is acting with several well-known brands on the market.

MGC Moser Glaser Ltd is a pioneer in the field of solid insulation. As an independent producer of DURESCA® busbars and bushings, MGC is our global customers' ideal and valued partner.

PFIFFNER Instrument Transformers Ltd is an independent industrial company that manufactures high-quality, modern and competitive products for electricity suppliers and industrial companies in Swiss quality. We serve the international market with our equipment for safe energy power distribution and billing.

Brands: MGC: DURESCA insulated SIB Bus, Dry type Transformer Bushings RIP, RIS Insulation, Wall Bushings / PFIFFNER: Inductive, Combined & Capacitive Voltage Transformers, Resistive Capacitive Voltage Divider