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Thank you for your interest in the Pharmacy Residency Programs at Children’s National Hospital! Our mission is to provide world-class training in a myriad of learning experiences centered on patient care and building on prior education to develop pharmacist practitioners with the knowledge, skills and abilities to provide exceptional care in pediatrics.
Our program has consistently excelled in nurturing exceptional clinical pharmacists who can thrive amidst unique opportunities and obstacles. We offer residents the opportunity to practice at the top of their license, see a wide variety of patient populations, gain hands-on code experience, obtain a teaching certificate and be part of a robust resiliency and mentorship program.
Aside from the benefits of the program itself, residents will experience the beauty of the nation’s capital, including museums, live music, monuments, excellent restaurants and so much more.
Our legacy is reflected in the pharmacists who have completed their residency journey within the walls of Children’s National Hospital. Our alumni have begun careers across the country in roles as clinical pharmacy specialists, pharmacy faculty and more. We encourage you to explore the site and delve into the unique experiences that make our program what it is. Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions.
Once again, thank you for considering the Pharmacy Residency programs at Children’s National Hospital. We look forward to the possibility of welcoming you into our vibrant and accomplished community.

Faculty and Staff

Meet the faculty and staff for the Pharmacy Residency.

Current Residents

Meet the Pharmacy Residency current residents.

Residency Programs

At Children's National, we offer four distinct residency programs: a PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Residency, a PGY2 Pediatrics Pharmacy Residency, a PGY2 Pediatrics PSP Critical Care Residency and a PGY2 Oncology Residency.
Over 100 pharmacists have completed a residency at Children’s National since the start of the program in 1980. We are a participating member of the ASHP Residency Matching Program and all of our programs are accredited.

See Yourself Here

Residency Opportunities

Residency Resiliency and Mentorship

Teaching Opportunities

Code Training Program