Caesars Forum
10-14 September 2023

Pre-Conference Masterclass: Designing Audiovisual Systems using the ANSI/BICSI 007 Standard for Intelligent Buildings

  • Room: Academy Ballroom 411 - Caesars Forum
  • Session Number:017
Monday,September 11, 2023:1:00 PM -4:30 PM
/ CEU Credits:3


Karl Rosenberg
Regional Applications Specialist



Member Price:  $175

Non-Member Price: $250

The world of intelligent buildings and the Internet of Things is here. Wiring and installing data centers, establishing a network-based communication infrastructure, and designing flexibility into audiovisual systems all play a role. This masterclass will explore the new realm of AV infrastructure and help attendees understand the ANSI/BICSI 007 Standard for accomplishing these goals. The masterclass will cover structured cabling for the AV infrastructure in university spaces, corporate facilities, and the world of Unified Collaboration. Everyone wants to incorporate UC applications like Zoom or Microsoft Teams in their spaces – learn how to install the control systems, cameras, and USB devices to support these requests. We will deep dive into “Must Have Technology” like wayfinding, and new AV fundamentals like AV over IP and streaming. Lastly, we will discuss using the ANSI/BICSI 007 Standard to cable a room for AV today, while employing flexibility to ensure success in the future.
