Layer 1 Intelligent Build - Construction Digitization and Passive Infrastructure

  • Room: Ballroom D
  • Session Number:047
Tuesday,February 07, 2023:2:30 PM -3:30 PM


Sean Adam
Vice President, Market Strategy and Innovation
Subbu Meiyappan
ECSite, Inc



Enabling the fast, consistent, and accurate deployment of networks requires a complete life-cycle solution – a solution that addresses the key infrastructure deployment challenges. The construction industry has lagged many others in leveraging technology to improve efficiency and accuracy. It is estimated that over $800B is spent globally on rework – over a third caused by poor, inconsistent data and communication. On average large deployments overrun budget by 80%, and the average delay for construction projects can be on the order of 20 months or more. Now, more than ever, it is critical that a full end-to-end solution be embraced to enable network deployment. To truly address this challenge, an Intelligent Build Solution is needed, which connects the individual silos of data – combining passive infrastructure, the construction process, and mobile and cloud technology - to create a single, integrated, interactive source of data for layer 1 builds. Intelligent Build Solutions can bring benefits to end customers, contract installers, general contractors, and suppliers. A true cradle-to-grave solution enables greater efficiency and accuracy in build, supports sustainability and environmental goals, improves overall productivity, and brings labor savings. An ecosystem of tools is coming into existence that can be woven together into an optimized solution to address everything from manufacturing to network turnup and activation. This presentation presents how bringing together: (1) Intelligent Passive Infrastructure; (2) Construction Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) Platforms; and (3) the automation and digitization of equipment (splicers, test) can aid in addressing many of the challenges and inefficiencies in the deployment of optical networks.
