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Glenn T. Seaborg Institute


​The Glenn T. Seaborg Institute (GTSI) at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) is committed to the development of talented researchers who pursue the chemistry and behavior of the actinide elements. GTSI-INL seeks to push the boundaries of understanding of the actinide elements through innovative and quality research. It joins a consortium of other institutes around the United States and exists as a tribute to Dr. Glenn T. Seaborg, who co-discovered multiple elements, including plutonium, and committed his life’s work to the advancement of actinide chemistry. ​Click here​​ to learn more.


Enhance U.S. pre-eminence in the science of the chemical, physical, nuclear, and metallurgi​​​cal properties of ​the transactinium elements.


Provide scientists and engineers with the opportunities and tools to develop their knowledge and expertise in support of the mission of the US Department of Energy and Idaho National Laboratory.


✓ ​Produc​e the highest quality research resu​lts that will impact and increase understanding
of actinide bearing systems important to DOE and other national priorities.

✓ Produce the highest quality scientists and engineers that will fill the national needs in
national security, energy and environmental policy, and cutting edge science.

✓​ Bring INL to primacy in cutting edge actinide science. 


Solution Phase Actinide Chemistry and Physics



Solid State Actinide Chemistry and Physics


Actinide Forensics and Standards

Applications for distinguished postdoctoral appointments in 2023 will be accepted from Sept. 1 through Dec. 31.  Please refer to ​to apply.​​

GTSI-INL Organization

Rory Kennedy
Donald Wood
Michele Oliveira
Terry Todd
J. Rory Kennedy​, Ph.D. 
(208) 526-5522
Donald J. Wood, Ph.D.
Deputy Director/Solution Phase Chemistry and Physics Focus Area Lead 
(509) 670-4134

Krzysztof Gofryk
Solid State Focus Area Lead
(208) 526-4902

Matthew Watrous
Forensics Focus Area Lead
(208) 526-3955

Site contact: Jodi Vollmer​