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Accela ChemBio Inc. |
Ace Glass Incorporated |
AChemBlock |
Acrotein ChemBio Inc. |
ACS Booth |
ACS Senior Chemists |
ACS Talent Acquisition |
Advion Interchim Scientific |
Agilent Technologies |
AIP Publishing |
Aladdin Scientific |
Ambeed, Inc. |
American Physical Society |
Anton Paar |
Ascensus Specialties |
Astatech |
Asymchem, Inc. |
Bettersize Inc. |
BioChromato, Inc. |
Biosynth |
Biotage |
BrandTech Scientific |
Bridgestone Americas |
Brookhaven Instruments Corp. |
Bruker |
Cambrex Corporation |
Cell Press |
CEM Corp. |
Chemaxon |
Chemglass Life Sciences |
Chemical Computing Group |
Chemical Insights Research Institute of UL Research Institutes |
ChemScene LLC |
Chemshuttle |
Chinese Chemical Society |
CombiPhos Catalysts, Inc. |
CrystalMaker Software Ltd. |
Daicel Chiral Technologies |
Delong Instruments |
Droplet Smart Tech |
Edinburgh Instruments |
Fritsch Milling & Sizing, Inc. |
Heidolph North America |
Hellma USA |
HNP Mikrosysteme USA |
HORIBA Scientific |
iChrom Solutions |
IKA Works, Inc. |
J&W Pharmlab, LLC |
Japan Analytical Industry Co. Ltd. |
JEOL USA, Inc. |
JRF Global |
Key Organics Inc. |
KNF Neuberger |
LECO Corporation |
LECO Corporation |
LGC Standards |
M. BRAUN, Inc. |
Magnitude Instruments |
Magritek Inc. |
Maruzen Co., Ltd. |
Medicilon |
Metrohm USA, Inc. |
Micromeritics Instrument Corp. |
Microsoft Corporation |
MilliporeSigma |
Molymod Models - Spiring Ltd |
Nanalysis Corp. |
NanoAndMore USA Corporation |
Nanoscience Instruments |
Oakwood Products Inc. |
Organomation |
Oxford Instruments |
Park Systems, Inc. |
Parr Instrument Company |
Pharmablock USA, Inc. |
PIKE Technologies |
Pine Research Instrumentation |
Plasmion GmbH |
Proto Manufacturing |
Reaxys |
Regis Technologies |
Renishaw, Inc. |
Research In Germany |
Rigaku Americas Corp. |
Scilligence |
SciY |
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc. |
Software for Chemistry & Materials |
Sorbent Technologies |
Specac / Harrick Scientific |
Spectrum Chemical Mfg Corp. |
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital |
Technobis Crystallization Systems |
Teledyne LABS |
Thieme Chemistry |
U.S. National Science Foundation/Division of Chemistry |
V&P Scientific, Inc. |
Vacuum Atmospheres Co. |
Vacuum Technology Inc. |
Vapourtec Ltd |
VELP Scientific, Inc. |
Vernier Science Education |
Waters Corporation |
Wavefunction, Inc. |
Yamazen Science, Inc. |
For Exhibitor and Sponsorship questions, please contact expo@acs.org