LGC Standards

276 Abby Rd
Manchester,  NH 
United States

What we do
We offer a portfolio of 110,000+ reference materials and analytical standards, including ranges produced under ISO/IEC 17025 and accredited to ISO 17034. Our products are used to check the quality and metrological traceability of products, to validate analytical measurement methods, for research and development, and for the calibration of instruments. As the UK’s designated institute for chemical and bio-measurement, we use the most advanced analytical techniques to characterise our reference standards, so that you can rely on the scientific integrity of the data contained in your Certificate of Analysis. We also provide proficiency testing schemes accredited to ISO 17043 and used by more than 13,000 participant labs worldwide, as well as full-spectrum outsourcing and custom solutions to meet all your analytical needs.

Global reach
We are proud to connect with our customers across a global network, with dedicated local teams able to support your reference standard decisions and the implementation of our products in your analytical testing. Our state-of-the-art global logistics and distribution capabilities, together with experienced supply chain and export departments, ensure fast delivery to our customers.

Visit our website at https://www.lgcstandards.com

For Exhibitor and Sponsorship questions, please contact expo@acs.org