Dal Soggio Srl

Zane,  Veneto 
  • Booth: 9025

We wait you at our booth to discover our products!

Dal Soggio S.r.l. is an Italian company, established in the 1950’s, specializes in high-tech products.  Moved by a passion for motorcycles, owner Gianni Dal Soggio birthed the new “Race Part Division”.  This ambitious and complex new adventure, takes Dal Soggio back to it’s roots to create an innovative new fork with ball bearings for off-road motorcycles.  And for this the company has a worldwide patent.


Dal Soggio Race - Corporate Video


    The newborn in Dal Soggio Race, the FSR-48 is the innovative and complete front fork, totally designed and created by the owner Gianni Dal Soggio. This front fork, made in ERGAL 7075T6....

    • The fork is in ERGAL 7075 T6 which is an incredible material and as you probably already know we use it in 85% of our components;
    • The outer tube is super machined inside, to have an incredible fluidity;
    • DLC coating outside and hard anodizing inside;
    • Inside you find our Sphere kit hydraulic cartidge;
    • SKF seals;
    • Axel lugs are made in ERGAL 7075 T6 too, completely machined from solid;
    • Axel lugs are CNC machined;
    • Springs from 4.4 Nmm to 5.2 Nmm
    • FSR-48 is available for the major brands of suspension, so for WP Xplor - WP AER/XACT - BETA MOTORCYCLES' FRONT FORK.