Lifeng Group Co., Ltd.

Wenzhou,  Zhejiang 
  • Booth: 7089

Established in 1986, Group Company is a manufacturer specialized in the research, development and production of "REGAL-RAPTOR" series of motorcycles, motorcycle engines, "CAJERO" series of electric vehicles; and has Cajero equestrian horse company, automobile driving training school, also as the founder and sponsor of the Zhejiang Equestrian Team. Last year, Group company began to expand overseas business and set up a European office in the Netherlands. Group company is the excellent enterprise in Zhejiang Province. As the provincial industrial and commercial enterprise accredited AAA level for fulfilling contract and valuing credit, the provincial patent demonstration enterprise, and "Li Feng" was awarded a well-known firms in Zhejiang Province. The company has established a provincial research and development center, specializing in the development of high-end motorcycles, motorcycle engines and electric vehicles. DD253MM motorcycle water cooling engine is the national Torch Program, Zhejiang high-tech products, and won the Zhejiang provincial workers' outstanding achievements in economic and technological innovation activities and the provincial industrial design competition silver award. Over the past thirty years, the company has more than 100 motorcycle, motorcycle engines, electric vehicle products patents.

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