Care Coordination Playbook: Optimize Referral Relationships

  • Room: Potomac 1-3
  • Session Number: 303
Monday, October 16, 2023: 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM


Deborah Wesley RN, BN, MSN, MHA
Addison County Home Health and Hospice
Kenneth Albert RN, Esq.
President & CEO
Androscoggin Home Healthcare & Hospice
Nick Knowlton
Vice President of Strategic Initiatives
ResMed SaaS


Post-acute care can involve multiple different providers, each relying on the other to coordinate care. Additionally, in many cases communication between these providers remains both ad hoc and analog, all while reimbursement models shift and the labor market remains tight. Learn how you can overcome these challenges with the right interoperability. Through industry research featuring post-acute and referring provider perspectives, as well as an executive panel discussion, we will dive into steps to create your own playbook that can help you build and grow your referral partnerships in our ever-evolving value-based world.



Course Level: Intermediate; 1.2 Accounting CPEs (NASBA/BMO) 1 Nursing CNEs contact hours, 1 Nursing Home/Asst. Living Adm. CEs (NAB/NCERS)


Additional Info

Learning Objective 1:
List the industry research addressing unmet needs of referral sources as they relate to care transitions and coordinated care.

Learning Objective 2:
Design a playbook of strategies to help navigate and win under trends such as value-based reimbursement and labor shortages.

Learning Objective 3:
Discuss experiences and opportunities with innovative interoperability strategies that drive success.

Primary Target Audience:
Home Health,Hospice