Select Criteria: Session Type = General Session

Sunday, October 15, 1:00 PM - 2:45 PM

  • Room: Potomac AB
  • Session Number: 910
Join Ken Albert, President and Chief Executive Officer for Androscoggin Home Care and Hospice and chairman of the NAHC Board of Directors, and NAHC  President William A. Dombi for the opening session of the 2023 conference. Bill and the NAHC policy team will deliver the 2023 Legislative, Regulatory, and Legal Update, by far the most in-depth and insightful policy briefing in the industry. NAHC is highly engaged in advocacy to prevent crippling Medicare payment cuts to home health and hospice providers, expand and improve the direct care workforce, and many other issues vital to providing quality care in the home. Bill will explain what NAHC is doing for you now and what we are likely to face in the critical election year of 2024. Whatever it is, we will face it together. In addition, Bill will provide a detailed update on NAHC 2.0, the process of turning NAHC into a stronger trade association and a more effective advocate for home care and hospice. You will learn more about what NAHC is doing for its members and for the millions of patients and caregivers who depend on home care and hospice for their livelihood, health, and well-being.Read More
Damon Terzaghi MSA
Director of Medicaid HCBS
National Alliance For Care at Home
Katie Wehri
Director, Home Care and Hospice Regulatory Affairs
National Alliance For Care at Home
Kenneth Albert RN, Esq.
President & CEO
Androscoggin Home Healthcare & Hospice
Kristen Wheeler
Executive Director of Private Duty
National Association for Home Care and Hospice (NAHC)
Mary Carr RN, MPH
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
National Alliance For Care at Home
Niles Godes Esq.
Senior Vice President for Advocacy
Theresa Forster
Vice President for Hospice Policy and Programs
National Association for Home Care and Hospice (NAHC)
William Dombi Esq.
National Association for Home Care and Hospice (NAHC)
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  • General Session

Monday, October 16, 9:30 AM - 11:00 AM

  • Room: Potomac AB
  • Session Number: 911
NAHC Director of Grassroots Advocacy Summer Napier will host agency leaders who are advocating for home care and hospice in a variety of ways. Summer will explain how the decisions you make in business can be advocacy, and she has proven you don’t need to be a professional lobbyist to make an impact. She will show you how to remove the doubts around becoming an advocate and help you be an effective everyday spokesperson for care at home. Joining Summer to discuss personal advocacy will be leaders from across our industry. Jeff Salter, CEO at Caring Senior Service, started in home care 33 years ago, turning five locations into a franchise enterprise with over 50 locations in 22 states. In a memorable display of personal advocacy, in 2021 he rode an electric bike 9500 miles across the United States to raise awareness to seniors’ issues and close the gaps in their care. His ride helped raise over $170,000 to install grab bars in senior’s homes. Tonya Gray is Director of Home Health and Home Care Services at UW Health Northern Illinois and a member of NAHC’s Board of Directors. She regularly speaks in her local church and advocates for care in the home because it isRead More
Summer Napier BSN, RN, HCS-C, HCS-O
President & CEO
Healing Hands Healthcare, LLC
Calvin McDaniel
National Association for Home Care & Hospice
Davis Baird MS
Director of Government Affairs for Hospice (NAHC)
National Association for Home Care & Hospice
Jeffrey Salter
Founder & CEO
Caring Senior Service
Robert Love
Executive Director
Butte Home Health
Tonya Gray MSHA, CPA
Director, Home Health Care & Home Services
UW Health Northern Illinois Home Health Care (formerly SwedishAmerican Home Health Care)
Vince Moffitt
Basin Home Health & Hospice, Inc.
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  • General Session

Tuesday, October 17, 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM

  • Room: Potomac AB
  • Session Number: 912
Ben Nemtin is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of What Do You Want to Do Before You Die? and a star of MTV's highest rated show on iTunes and Amazon called The Buried Life. As the co-founder of The Buried Life movement, Ben's message of radical possibility has been featured on The Today Show, The Oprah Winfrey Show, CNN, FOX, and NBC News. President Obama called Ben and The Buried Life "inspiration for a new generation," and Oprah declared their mission "truly inspiring." An acclaimed keynote speaker, Ben has headlined business conferences and Fortune 100 leadership teams around the world, garnering standing ovations from AIG, Anthem, Amazon, FedEx, Harvard, Microsoft, Verizon, and more. Ben is recognized as one of the World's Top Organizational Culture Thought Leaders and was ranked 3rd Best Motivational Speaker in the world by Global Gurus in 2022. In his first year of university, Ben was unexpectedly hit with a depression that forced him to drop out. In an attempt to feel more alive, he created the world's greatest bucket list with his three best friends. They borrowed a rickety old RV and crisscrossed North America, achieving the unthinkable. And most importantly, every time they accomplished aRead More
Andrea Devoti MSN, MBA, RN, CHCE
Executive Vice President
National Association for Home Care & Hospice
Keynote Speaker
Ben Nemtin
  • General Session