To accommodate construction, Shaver's Creek Environmental Center will be closed Tuesday, June 4.

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Shaver’s Creek Environmental Center

Welcome to Shaver’s Creek

Located in the heart of central Pennsylvania, Shaver’s Creek has been connecting people to people and people to place since 1976. We provide educational and recreational opportunities for families, schools, corporate groups, and Penn State students. Come hike a trail, see live animals up close, learn about conservation, and enjoy our programs.

Shaver’s Creek is committed to extending Penn State’s Outreach mission of instruction, service, and research. Through quality programs, we teach, model, and provide the knowledge, values, skills, experiences, and dedication that enable individuals and communities to achieve and maintain harmony between human activities and the natural systems that support all living species.

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Nature and Recovery

Sometimes, it’s hard to realize how much unnecessary stimuli you have around you constantly in the urban-dominated world we live in today. The path to healing may very well lie in the embrace of the great outdoors.