Virtual Event
March 8 - 12, 2021


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Virtual Pittcon 2021

Our Technology Transformation: A Lab Manager’s LIMS Experience

  • Session Number: P116
Monday, March 08, 2021: 8:30 AM - 6:00 PM


Ken Ochi
Manager, Global Marketing & Customer Relations
Accelerated Technology Laboratories
Laura Lee Williford
Accelerated Technology Laboratories


Laboratory managers benefit from transforming their laboratories through automation. This is even more apparent given the current COVID outbreak impacting laboratory operations. This presentation features laboratory managers sharing their views on how LIMS has become an essential component of their operation from login to reporting and disposal. They will discuss the value of their LIMS from a laboratory perspective. The following topics will be addressed: increases in efficiency and productivity, improved data quality, automated features, regulatory compliance, mobile technology, electronic reporting, and enhanced resource utilization. These professionals will share relevant thoughts and insight for both existing LIMS users and those evaluating LIMS for the first time. During the presentation, the key role of LIMS in managing laboratory operations will be punctuated, and real-life examples of using a LIMS to meet critical business and operational goals will be provided. They will share actionable advice on how to build the business case for LIMS, tips on choosing the right LIMS for your laboratory, and using LIMS to achieve regulatory compliance and accreditation. Best practices and biggest benefits will be highlighted.

Additional Info

Keywords: Please select up to 4 keywords ONLY:
Automation,Data Analysis and Manipulation,Data Management,Electronic Laboratory

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