Technology Solutions Theater: GIS + Artificial Intelligence + GeoAI, Apply that to Imagery and You Get Big ROI

  • Room: Exhibit Hall: Booth 443
Sunday, August 27, 2023: 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM


Chase Fisher
Solution Engineer Team Lead


Integrating GIS with artificial intelligence is known as GeoAI. When applying GeoAI to digital imagery, you can experience a significant return on investment by automating processes and identifying and extracting features and their locations. Learn what the possibilities are for this technology to support your mission. Success stories from your peers will show how this futuristic technology is proven, here to stay, and how it is delivering serious business value.


Learning Objectives

After this session, participants will be able to:
• Explain emerging technologies and how to apply them.
• Identify industry leaders and subject-matter experts who can provide transferable techniques.
• Develop meaningful strategies that can be deployed within their organizations.

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