A Strategic Evolution To Packet-Based Timing: Leveraging Precision Time Protocol Across Your Network

    Thursday, May 23, 2024: 9:10 AM - 10:10 AM


    Utility Member
    Justin Hardy
    Telecom Engineer
    Southern Company
    Vendor Member
    Matthew Kitchen
    Senior Electrical Engineer
    Burns & McDonnell
    Vendor Member
    Rob Jodrie
    Support Manager


    Southern Company faced the challenge of a SONET to packet network transition and together with Syncworks and Burns & McDonnell, designed and deployed a new MPLS system to provide system-wide transport for critical applications. This initiative introduced stringent new timing requirements and mandated a departure from the frequency BITS clocks traditionally used to synchronize TDM environments. To provide the necessary accuracy and traceability, Southern Company deployed Precision Time Protocol (IEEE 1588 PTP), Synchronous Ethernet (SyncE), and Network Time Protocol (NTP) synchronization sources to provide frequency and time of day for the MPLS, SouthernLinc LTE, and corporate IT networks. While the enablement of MPLS was the catalyst for IEEE-1588 PTP, it became clear that a highly accurate and reliable packet timing source could be broadly utilized across the network. This session will explore the various use cases and mutual benefits of packet-based timing, including next-gen transport, mitigation of GPS vulnerabilities and Grid timing backup from a secure telecom core. Learn how to fully leverage your timing investments, plan for emerging applications and navigate the various stakeholders that will come to rely on your clocks.
