We believe that healthy pets are happy pets. Where healthy pets are the standard not the exception. We have over 66 years of experience in animal nutrition.

We are a leading provider of premium quality pet nutrition supplements, premixes, diets, and treats designed to keep dogs and cats in optimal health. Our range of products is based on the latest innovative scientific research in animal health, and we are committed to providing the highest quality, highest efficacy, and highest bioavailable supplements available.

We are knowledgeable and experienced in the nutritional needs of Dogs, Cats, Equine Small Animals, Birds, Mini Pigs/Porcine, Poultry, and Beef & Dairy.

Our products are formulated to support your pets’ immune systems, promote healthy digestion, improve skin and coat health, boost overall energy levels, and to help calm pets. Our products are designed to help pets of all ages, sizes, and breeds, and are safe and effective for long-term use.

What We Do

Find the right production setup for you

Pet Treat

Pet Supplement Manufacturers

Pet Food

Paste & Oil


We can design custom products exclusively for you from our highly trained, educated, and experienced pet nutritionists, or you can select from a variety of product options to meet your nutritional needs and goals. We can provide products as a component to a product such as vitamin & mineral premixes and supplements, or we can manufacture a complete product and packaged with a variety of options to meet your needs.

At Xtra Factors, we believe in transparency and integrity, and we are committed to providing our customers with the best possible service. We stand behind our products and offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

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Thank you for choosing Xtra Factors for your pet’s nutritional needs. We look forward to helping you keep your furry friends healthy and happy for years to come.

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Bark & Bite Bulletin

Check out our blog on all things pet nutrition, private label manufacturing, Q&As, and ingredient spotlights.

13 May, 2024
Private label manufacturing offers a plethora of advantages for businesses looking to carve out their niche in the market. Firstly, it allows companies to exclusively showcase their brand identity, uniquely positioning themselves in the industry. By leveraging private label manufacturing, businesses can tap into a vast array of products tailored to their specifications, enabling them to offer a diverse and exceptionally curated product line. Moreover, private label manufacturing facilitates seamless scalability, empowering companies to swiftly adapt to changing market demands and effortlessly expand their product offerings. This agility fosters a sense of unprecedented flexibility, allowing businesses to stay ahead of the competition and proactively respond to consumer trends. Furthermore, private label manufacturing often results in significantly lower production costs, enabling companies to maximize profitability without compromising on quality. This cost-effectiveness opens limitless opportunities for businesses to invest in innovation, marketing, and customer engagement initiatives, thereby dynamically propelling their growth trajectory. Additionally, partnering with a private label manufacturer can foster deep collaborative relationships, characterized by mutual trust, transparency, and shared success. This synergy enables businesses to tap into the expertise and resources of their manufacturing partners, ultimately driving product innovation and market differentiation. In essence, private label manufacturing empowers businesses to unleash their full potential, offering a myriad of benefits ranging from unparalleled brand customization to enhanced cost efficiency and collaborative partnerships. It serves as a catalyst for inspirational growth and profound market impact, enabling businesses to realize their aspirations and thrive in today's dynamic business landscape. PET HEALTH Q&A: HOW CAN ANTIOXIDANTS HELP MY PET? Antioxidants play a vital role in supporting your pet's health by combating free radicals, which can cause cellular damage and contribute to aging and disease. By neutralizing these harmful molecules, antioxidants help strengthen your pet's immune system, protect against oxidative stress, and promote overall well-being. Incorporating antioxidant-rich foods or supplements into your pet's diet can contribute to their longevity and vitality.
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