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Vaajakoski,  KESKI-SUOMI 
  • Booth: 7779 EB

We've developed the most innovative way to reward your furry companion. Our Train'N'Treat dog treat dispenser is designed to strengthen the bond between you and your dog through positive reinforcement. With just a press of a button, you can dispense treats, rewarding your dog for their positive behavior.
Keep your fingers safe and pockets free of crumbs.

Brands: Train'N'Treat


  • Train'N'Treat Dispenser
    Train'N'Treat is the ideal tool for rewarding your dog at home, during training, and while on walks without messy pockets, dirty hands or bitten fingers! The Train'N'Treat Dispenser makes rewarding your dog effortless....

    • KEEP YOUR HANDS SAFE AND POCKETS CLEAN - Helps to protects your hands from sharp puppy teeth and in a case of more greedy eaters. Keep your hands, pockets, and handbags free of crumbs. You can use Train'N'Treat even with gloves on in colder months.
    • FUN AND EASY TO USE – Train’N’Treat is easy to store in your pocket or handbag, which makes it easy to carry anywhere you go. You can also attach your favorite wrist band or lanyard to it. It is easy to load with for example skinless hot dog, soft meat rolls, cheese, cucumber etc. as long as the texture of the treat is softish.
    • ECOLOGICAL - This handy treat dispenser is light weight to carry. Made of sustainable Biocomposite (lower CO2 footprint) and high-quality stainless steel.
    • FOR EFFECTIVE DOG TRAINING - Receiving the treat from “your hand” strengthens relationship with your pet.
    • EASY TO CLEAN - Device is not scared of water and you can wash it in your dishwasher.
    • FOR DOGS OF ALL AGES - You can use Train'N'Treat every day with your dog to make a strong bound and common understanding.