100% Natural, Ltd. 210
3090 Gems 1328
4 G's Trading Corp. 903
A & A Jewelry Supply 1701
A. B. C. Gems, Inc. 1301
A. Kleiman and Company 622
A.I. Jewels 302
Aaron Faber 3310
Aaron Henry Designs 3215
Accredited Gemologists Association, Inc. 27
Adasco Designs, Inc. 919
AG Gems & Jewelry, Inc. 602
Aira Jewels, LLC 3026
Akiva Gil Company, Inc. 716
Alex Sepkus, Inc. 3216
Alishan 3317
Allerton Cushman & Co. 906
Amba Gem Corporation 1208
American Gem Corp. 3113
American Gem Society 22
American Gem Trade Association AGTA, 2000
American Gemological Laboratories Agate
American Pearl Company, Inc. 802
American Society of Appraisers 13
ARA 24K Collection, Inc. 3116
Arise Precious Gems 1217
Arizona Color Stones & Minerals 1403
Arnoldi International eK 609
Artistic License/Martha Seely Design 3217
Artistry, Ltd. 3220
Artrade 110
ASBA USA, Inc. 523
Asian Gem Centre, Inc. 1011
Asian Institute of Gemological Sciences (AIGS) 18
Aster Jewels, Inc. 1220
Atlantic Gem Corporation 816
Authentic Gem Imports (AGI) 1627
Avery, Stephen M. 201
Avo Diamond Setter dba Laurie Sarah Designs 3118
Azurz 101
B & B Fine Gems 501
Bali Designs Inc 3324
Barbara Heinrich Studio, LLC 3104
Barker & Company 500
Bellagem, Inc. 626
Bernard Nacht & Co. / Under the Crown 3119
Bernie's Gems 901
Best Bargains Division of 2747111 Canada, Inc. 309
BF Jewelers/BB International Ltd. 218
Blue Moon Enterprises 211
Boston Gems, Inc. 917
Box Brokers Group / File-A-Gem 1719
Brazilian Gem Center 1618
Brenda Smith Jewelry 3106
BRG Gems Company 1722
Bridges Tsavorite 1022
Brilliant Colors, Inc. 508
BTC Gems, Inc. 1610
California Collection 3211-1YO
Canadian Gemmological Association 17
China Stone, LLC 217
Choice Gems Co. 409
Color First 103
Color Source Gems 1024
Colorline, Inc. 922
Colorstar, Inc. 3319
Columbia Gem House 1117
Commercial Mineral Company 1300
Crown Color US, LLC 723
Custom Faceting 316
Cynthia Renee, Inc. 19
D. Elian Corp. 422
Dallas Prince Designs 3000
D'Amadeo, LLC 120
Daniel Moshi 1408
Denny Wong Designs 3124
Desert Sun Mining & Gem Co., Inc. 407
Divine Jewels USA, Inc. 627
Dorel Dolberg Co., Inc. / Zoma Color 1527
Dorian & Rose 3121
Downeast Trading Co. 3204
DSL Pearl, Inc. 410
Dudley Blauwet Gems 123
DuftyWeis Opals, Inc. 400
Elias & Sons Gem Company 700
Eliko Pearl Co., Inc. 1306
EMCO Gem, Inc. 1605
Equatorian Imports, Inc. 810
Eshed Diam, Inc. 1325
Esmeralda Gems, Inc. 1507
Ethical Metalsmiths 10
Evan Caplan 910
Evergreen Gem Corporation 1629
Faerber New York, Inc. 3307
Fancy Creations, Inc. 3205
Fancy Diam, Inc. 3114
Fine Emeralds, Inc., dba FEI 319
Fine Gems (NY), Inc. 1516
Fitzgerald Imports 702
Forever Creations USA, Inc. 1404
Gabbay Gem & Pearl 1631
GAD Enterprises 707
Gem 2000, Inc. 911
Gem Art Center / Helen Serras-Herman 3009
Gem-A USA 29
Gemmological Research Industries, Inc. 54
Gemological Appraisal Laboratory of America, Inc. 21
Gemworld International, Inc. 28
Gerardu Gems & Jewelry 1625
GIA Instruments 1715
GIA Show Service Laboratory Onyx, GIA
Glenn Preus, Ltd. 203
Goko USA Ltd. 3225
Goldstein Diamonds 3110
Great Diam, Inc. 3305
Green Creations, Inc. 525
Gubelin Gem Lab, Ltd. WSMO, 9
Guild Laboratories, Inc. 800
Hajibai Color Gems Corp. 1612
Hajibay & Co. 817
Hakimi A. & Sons 1001
Heritage Gems, LLC 1418
Heskia Brothers, Inc./Almor Designs 516
Hopkins Opal 1506
House of Colors, Inc. 111
House of Gems New York, Inc. 406-1YO
Ijadi Gem, Inc. 701
Incon Gems, Inc. 1201
Indian Diamond & Colorstone Association (IDCA) 20
Indojewels, Inc. 116
Informa Markets/JNA 15
Inner Circle Jewelry, Ltd. 811
Instappraise, Inc. 1717
Intercolor USA 507
Isaac Gem Int'l Corp. 710
Ivey Gemstones 729
Jack Abraham - The Precious Collection 916
Jacob Levian 806
Jaipur Trading Company, Inc. 1521
Jairaj Gems, Inc. 1221
James Alger Co., Inc. 200
Jardin Jewels by Beacab 3004
Jay Dean Winchester, LLC 450-2
JCK 16
Jeffrey Bilgore, LLC 1111
Jerry Blickman, Inc. 3207
Jerry Gil & Co., Ltd. 819
Jewelerette & Co. 3314
Jeweler's Choice 3021
Jewelers for Children 34
Jewelers Mutual Group 25
Jewelers Vigilance Committee 55
Jewels of Mewar 3304
Joel Price Opals 1417
John Buechner, Inc. 301
John J. Bradshaw 1422
John M. Bachman, Inc. 206
John T. Haynes, Inc. 3200
JOPA by A&D Gem 617
Joseph Dardashti, Ltd. 3115
Joseph Gad, Inc. 428
Jye's International, Inc. 1101
Kabana, Inc. 3221
Kanchan Impex, Inc. 623
Kassoy 1714
Keith Field Classical Goldsmith 3229
Kho International, Ltd. 522
Kimberly Collins Colored Gems 1106
King's Ransom 1010
Knupfer International Gems, Inc. / KIG 1027
Kostbar International 323
Krainz Creations 1900
Krashes & Dirnfeld, Inc. 308
Krishaili Gems, LLC 1503, 1721
L.J. West Diamonds 3218
LaserStar Technologies Corporation 1728
Lavish Jewelry Cleaner 1706
Lee Collins Gems 300
Lehrer Designs, Inc. 221
Lika Behar Collection 3227
Lithos 1
Lockshank 1710
Lothar Haag America, Inc. 1019
Lucoral & Lupearl Group / New York Jewelry Mart Corporation 117
M. S. International, Inc. 1307
Madagascar Imports, Ltd. 318
Magilabs USA 53
Maharaja Jewels, Inc. 3010
Malachite and Gems of Africa 1511
Malhotra, Inc. 1007
Manak Jewels, Inc. 801
Manufacturing Jewelers & Suppliers of America (MJSA) 1708
Marcel Roelofs, LLC 3019
Mason-Kay Jade 1200
Master Casting and CAD 450-1, 1711
Mastoloni Pearls 517
Mayer & Watt 706
Mellika Company, Inc. / Crevoshay 3105
Michael Couch & Associates 228
Michael Gad Emerald 1227
Michael John Jewelry 3101
Michael Schofield & Co. 1017
Misfit Diamonds, USA 1611
Mittal Brothers, Inc. 1423
National Association of Jewelry Appraisers (NAJA) 11
Nature's Geometry, Inc. 223
Neli Gems Corporation 1017
NI Gem Corp. 1002
Noelle Habib 907
North American Gem Carvers 1025
NRI Gems, Inc. 923
Oberon & Caswell, Inc. 310
Obsessed Over Gems 327
Omi Gems, Inc. 401
Oriental Arts Co. 726
Original Gems, Inc. 717
Out of Our Mines 1123
P. H. Gems International 506
P. Intercontinental, Inc. 927
Pala International, Inc. 1016
Parle Jewelry Designs / Idaho Opal & Gem Corp. 417
Penn Gem International 1023
PeriodJewels, Inc. 3018
Petra Class 3214
Phoenix Gems 1630
Pioneer Gems, LLC 807
Poli Trading Company 114
Potentate Mining, LLC 1426
Precious Colors, Inc. 1124
Precious Pebbles 1604
Premier Color Source, Inc. 608
Price Forbes 33
Prijems, Inc. 1107
Prima Gems USA, LLC 822
Prisma 1415
Prompt Gem Importer, Inc. 1218
Prosperity Earth, LLC 109
ProVockative Gems, Inc. 411
Quality Diajewels, Inc. 603-1YO
Quantum Leap 30
Raja Jewels, Inc. 823
Randy Polk Designs 3320
Rapaport Corporation 1228, 32
Rare Earth Mining Co., Inc. 222
Rawat Gems, LLC 1122
Real Gems, Inc. 1116
Rippana, Inc. 1318
RMC Gems, Inc. 1321
Robert Bentley Company, Inc. 322
Robert Shapiro 429
Rod Griffin Boulder Opals 600
Royal India USA, Inc. / RIU Jewels 1317
Royal Touch, LLC 1510
Samuel Sylvio Designs 528
Sara Gem Corporation 606
Scott Spurling 1206
Semi Gems, Inc. 303
Shanu G., Inc. 601
Shaun Gems International 307
Shivam Imports 1407
Smithsonian Institution 1800
Soham Diamonds / SNJ Creations 3311
Somewhere In The Rainbow Gem & Jewelry Collection 1950
Sophia by Design 3005
Sparkles and Colors USA, Inc./Lakhi Gems Group 722
SPB Gems, Inc./SPB Creations 713
SSEF (Swiss Gemmological Institute) SSEFLab
St. John & Myers 3120
Star Colors, Inc. 825
Star Creations, Inc. NYC 1515
Star Gems, Inc. 450-4
Starlanka Fine Gems, Inc. 329
STEINBACH-Gems with a Star 12
Stuller, Inc. 450-3
Surya Insurance Services, LLC 26
Suzy Landa Jewelry 3111
Swissdiam New York LLC 3212
TAJ Company / Meraki Gemstones, LLC 1322
Tara & Sons, Inc. 423-1YO
TBK Jewelry 3104
Temple Trading Company 1000
The 7 Key Colors 427
The Clam Shell 207
The Cutter's Bench 122
The Gem and Jewelry Institute of Thailand (Public Organization) 14
The Rare Gem, LLC 1006
Tim Roark, Inc. 1309
Top Turquoise, Inc. 3003
Trillion Emerald, Inc. 1127
Trozzo 306
True Blue Opals and Gems 1125
Unconventional Lapidarist, LLC 128
United Color Gems, Inc. 1400
United Precious Metal Refining, Inc. 1702
Vama Creation Inc. 3025
Varshana Dholakia, LLC 1100
VCE Gems, LLC 1620
Vinod Kotahwala, Inc. 900
Viva Jewels Inc. 3322
Washington Jade 1424
White Cloud Co. 1207
Windsor Jewelers, Inc. 3213
Wobito Gems, Ltd. 1619
Wolfgang Vaatz 3315
Y. C. H., Inc. 1316
Yehuda 1700
Yen's Jewelry & Accessories 1500
Zaffiro 3321
ZDNY & Co. 3210