AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships 1433
ACS Publications 1518
Advanced Research Systems 700
Agilent 1617
AIP Publishing 1505
AJA International 906
Alice & Bob 617
All Flex Solutions, Inc. 1200
American Magnetics Inc. 913
Amuneal Manufacturing Corp 946
Andeen-Hagerling, Inc. 1421
Anderson Dahlen - Applied Vacuum Division 1107
Anton Paar 631
APS Physical Review Journals 1500
APSIT 1346
Ardent Concepts 1001
Atlas Technologies 1146
Attocube Systems Inc. 1011
Avantes 747
Basel Precision Instruments 1300
CAEN Technologies, Inc. 1245
Cambridge University Press 1510
Classiq 1404
Coax Company, Limited 1431
CoCalc by SageMath, Inc. 1405
ColdEdge International 716
ConScience 1625
CryoCoax, An Intelliconnect Brand 612
CryoConcept 1002
Cryogenic Limited 1435
Cryomagnetics, Inc. 1106
CryoTechnics 621
Danaher Cryogenics 1044
Delft Circuits 1311
Diatope 1621
DRS Daylight Solutions 1400
Edwards Vacuum 947
Elsevier 1506
Fermiologics 1623
Film Sense 847
Food Truck for the Physics Mind (Teachspin) 516
FormFactor 1010
Four Nine Design 1003
Gamma Vacuum 1429
Geowell Scroll 1403
GMW Associates 1203
Google 1205
Heidelberg Instruments Inc. 1406
Horiba Scientific 1347
HQubit - Hermerc System 944
HTS-110 1105
Hubner Photonics 1411
IBM Quantum 1247
ICE Oxford Limited 511
ID Quantique 1301
Infleqtion 1629
Intermodulation Products 1144
IOP Publishing 1501
IQM Quantum Computers 1339
Isotec Corporation 607
Janssen Precision Engineering (JPE) 1102
Kepco Inc. 1419
Keysight Technologies 1239
Kimball Physics, Inc. 1303
kiutra GmbH 1410
Korvus Technology 625
Krell Institute 845
Lake Shore Cryotronics 1139
Lihan Cryogenics 1047
Liquid Instruments 1246
Los Alamos National Laboratory 1446
Low Noise Factory 722
Mad City Labs 701
Maybell Quantum 1039
Midwest Puppy Rescue 1600
Montana Instruments 710
MTI Corporation 629
Munich Quantum Valley 1147
Nanomagnetics Instruments Ltd. 1312
Nanosurf 604
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory 1100
National Science Foundation – Division of Equity for Excellence in STEM 532
Nextron Corporation 1305
Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Neutron Sciences 507
Onnes Technologies 633
Oxford Instruments 717
Oxford University Press 1528
Park Systems 846
Pfeiffer Vacuum 739
Photron 601
Physical Measurement Laboratory (NIST) 1045
Princeton Scientific Corp. 907
Princeton University Press 1516
Proto Manufacturing 1631
Qblox 839
Q-CTRL 705
Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech 1244
Qlibri GmbH 1145
Qruise 1304
Quantinuum 605
QuantrolOx 1005
Quantum Coax 613
Quantum Delta NL 1530
Quantum Design 729
Quantum Engineering Programme, Singapore 528
Quantum Machines 1317
QuantWare 1210
Quera Computing 1619
qutools 600
Qzabre 1204
R.D. Mathis Company 704
Radiall 741
Razorbill Instruments 730
Renaissance Scientific 611
Research In Germany 732
RHK Technology 1101
Rigaku Americas Corporation 1307
Rigetti Computing 1302
Riverlane 1046
Royal Society Publishing 1522
SAES 1201
Scalinq 1004
Scienta Omicron 901
Scientific Instruments, Inc. 1206
Sentys 1417
Silent Waves 1444
Silicon Quantum Computing 610
Single Quantum 1202
SKKU QCenter 534
SmarAct 728
Society of Physics Students 602
Springer Nature 1511
Stanford Research Systems 1211
STAR Cryoelectronics 720
Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America 900
SVT Associates 1104
SynkTek 1425
Tabor Quantum Solutions 800, 801
Tektronix, Inc. 1401
The MIT Press 1512
The Physical Society of Japan 1524
Thor Labs 503
Tibadabo Scientific Industries 1633
TOPTICA Photonics 806
University Science Books 1507
VACIO Technologies 1413
Vacuum FAB Srl 603
VAT Valves 1103
Vexlum 1407
Virginia Diodes 745
Vision Research 1610
VTT 1345
Wireless Telecom Group 623
Wolfram Research 510
World Scientific Publishing Co. 1520
Xenocs 1111
XMA Corporation - Omni Spectra 711
Zero Point Cryogenics 838
Zurich Instruments 811