AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships 657
ACS Publications 659
Advanced Research Systems 608
Agilent 118
AIP Publishing 109
AJA International 304
Alice & Bob 847
All Flex Solutions, Inc. 901
American Magnetics Inc. 305
Amuneal Manufacturing Corp 908
Andeen-Hagerling, Inc. 757
ANEST IWATA Air Engineering, Inc. 356
Angstrom Engineering Inc. 258
AQSolotl 267
Arctic Instruments 1005
Ardent Concepts 849
Attocube Systems Inc. 715
Basel Precision Instruments 605
Because Science Gift Shop 662
Bluefors 121
CAEN Technologies, Inc. 1012
Cambridge University Press 100
Chandra X-ray Observatory 911
Classiq 254
Coax Company, Limited 122
ColdEdge International 400
ConScience 843
Cosmic Microwave Technology, Inc. 468
CryoCoax, An Intelliconnect Brand 601
Cryogenic Limited 569
Cryomagnetics, Inc. 704
CryoTechnics 567
Crystalmaker Software Ltd. 558
Danaher Cryogenics 255
DCA Instruments 112
Delft Circuits 135
Dept. of Physics, Southern University of Science and Technology 762
Digital Science & Research Solutions Inc 1211
DOE Nanoscale Research Center 903
DRS Daylight Solutions 841
Edwards Vacuum 1000
Element six (E6), Member of QBN 766
Elsevier 203
Epiray United States Inc. 1002
Equal1 209
Eravant 664
Food Truck for the Physics Mind (Teachspin) 142
FormFactor Inc. 308
Four Nine Design 454
Fujitsu Corporation 743
Gamma Vacuum 858
GMW Associates 804
Google 508
Heidelberg Instruments Inc. 505
Horiba Scientific 665
HQubit - Hermerc System 200
HTS-110 754
Hubner Photonics 359
IBM Quantum 448
ICE Oxford Limited 349
Intermodulation Products 354
IOP Publishing 700
IQM Quantum Computers 409
Janssen Precision Engineering (JPE) 805
Kepco Inc. 366
Keysight Technologies 449
kiutra GmbH 300
Korvus Technology 457
Krell Institute 663
Lake Shore Cryotronics 549
Lawrence Berkley Laboratory 155
Liquid Instruments 362
Low Noise Factory 555
Mad City Labs 401
Magnitude Instruments 1008
Maybell Quantum 115
McAllister Technical Services 180
Microsoft 749
Minus K Technology, Inc. 854
Montana Instruments 801
MTI Corporation 654
NanoAndMore USA 913
Nanomagnetics Instruments Ltd. 205
National High Magnetic Field Laboratory 904
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 1203
National Society of Black Physicists (NSBP) 154
National Society of Hispanic Physicists 160
Nextron Corporation 309
Nikalyte Limited 368
NSF Pavilion 1213
Oak Ridge National Laboratory - Neutron Sciences 910
Onnes Technologies 363
Orange Quantum Systems 768
Oridigm, Inc. 902
Oxford Instruments 515
Oxford University Press 106
Pfeiffer Vacuum 759
Photon Spot 666
Photron 914
Physical Electronics 1010
Princeton Scientific Corp. 705
Princeton University Press 110
Qblox 139
Q-CTRL 600
Qilimanjaro Quantum Tech 808
qprobe 357
Qruise 301
Quantinuum 1001
QuantrolOx 709
Quantum Coax 364
Quantum Delta NL 149
Quantum Design 721
Quantum Engineering Programme 737
Quantum Machines 213
Quantum Microwave 856
QuantWare 509
QuinStar Technology, Inc. 369
QuiX Quantum B.V. 656
qutools 1014
Qzabre 905
R.D. Mathis Company 655
Radiall 1004
Razorbill Instruments 813
Renaissance Scientific 367
Research In Germany 563
RHK Technology 815
Rigaku Americas Corporation 559
Rigetti Computing 208
Riverlane 174
Rosenberger 458
SAES 900
Scalinq 800
Scienta Omicron 609
Scientific Instruments, Inc. 257
SemiQon 172
Sentys 755
Silent Waves 845
SmarAct 554
Society of Physics Students 162
Software for Chemistry & Materials 256
SpinQ 114
Springer Nature 101
Staib Instruments, Inc. 909
Stanford Research Systems 408
STAR Cryoelectronics 466
Stratatek / NF Corporation 668
Sumitomo (SHI) Cryogenics of America 500
SVT Associates 456
Sweden Quantum 120
Tektronix, Inc. 355
The MIT Press 108
The Physicists Coalition for Nuclear Threat Reduction 265
Theris Nanotechnology 459
Thor Labs 701
Tibadabo Scientific Industries 455
TOPTICA Photonics 405
Torreyvac 358
UHV Design 758
Union of Concerned Scientists 263
University Science Books 111
US Large Hadron Collider Users Association 105
VACIO Technologies 764
VAT Valves 204
Vexlum 1104
Wolfram Research 809
World Scientific Publishing Co. 756
Xenocs 462
XMA Corporation - Omni Spectra 731
Zero Point Cryogenics 708
Zurich Instruments/Rohde&Schwarz 413

