
  • Booth: 501

Spectroswiss equips FTMS users with advanced technologies for optimized data acquisition and processing in FTMS. Our technologies boost the performance and productivity of FTMS instruments helping you to advance the most challenging applications and to maximize the information output from your FTMS instruments. Our hardware, FTMS Booster, is compatible with any FTMS instrument and acquires high-quality transients in parallel with the standard FTMS instrument operation. Our software, Peak-by-Peak, includes customized data processing workflows for improved lipidomics, metabolomics, petroleomics, quantitative proteomics, imaging, top-down, and spectroscopy applications. It operates with both transients and mass spectra, including .RAW data. Spectroswiss is a spin-out from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland. Contact us for a diagnostics of your FTMS instrument and workflows, or for an upgrade of your FTMS instrument and customized data processing.