Verdel Instruments Ltd.

United Kingdom
  • Booth: 314

Verdel Instruments is the leader in Total Correlation MS (ToC-MS), a novel MS technique that will bring true, unbiased DIA into mainstream use. The key difference between ToC-MS and other tandem-MS methods is the technique’s ability to unambiguously correlate all fragment ions to their precursor ion; this means that MS/MS data can be acquired simultaneously for every precursor in a complex sample. The correlation between precursors and fragments is highly reproducible, significantly reducing the time to interpret spectra as fragment/precursor relationships are clearly identified. The experiment uses direct infusion and uses multiple scans of the sample, typically taking a few minutes. Sensitivity and resolution can be increased with additional scans. The technique uses UVPD fragmentation, which makes it ideal for lipidomics, enabling a single analytical technique to identify both the head group and the fatty acid tails, as well as the location of any double bonds.